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Technology Advancement in Public Administration Paper

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Technology advancement in public administration

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1) Introduction
a) Brief description of the issue
In today's world, almost all operations of a country rely on the use of technology. The use of
technology facilitates secure, efficient service to the people, with the high likelihood that
productivity will go up. In public institutions, technology has improved the way policies are
executed. It has also created a better room for government institutions to utilize technology for
security purposes. Therefore, there is no doubt advancement in technology is changing public
administration in diverse ways (Brand, 2017).
a) Importance of the issue from a public administration perspective
According to Cobb (2017), every country's government is tasked with ensuring that its citizens are
well taken care of, in terms of provision of services, social amenities, protection of human rights,
and all other functions that are owned by the state. The provision of all these requires efforts,
financial and human wherewithal. The use of technology has not only made this a fast and more
transparent process, but it has also increased the efficiency with which these public administration
tasks are carried out. Technology advancement in public administration has made it easy for the
government to secure its citizens, especially through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) (Clarke,
2016). Therefore, advancement in the use of technology has improved service delivery and better
management of public resources.
2) Thesis statement
Every country's government is tasked with ensuring that its citizens are well taken care of, in terms
of provision of services, social amenities, protection of human rights, and all other functions that

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Running Head: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Technology advancement in public administration Name Institution 1 TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1 1) Introduction a) Brief description of the issue In today's world, almost all operations of a country rely on the use of technology. The use of technology facilitates secure, efficient service to the people, with the high likelihood that productivity will go up. In public institutions, technology has improved the way policies are executed. It has also created a better room for government institutions to utilize technology for security purposes. Therefore, there is no doubt advancement in technology is changing public administration in diverse ways (Brand, 2017). a) Importance of the issue from a public administration perspective According to Cobb (2017), every country's government is tasked with ensuring that its citizens are well taken care of, in terms of provision of services, social amenities, protection of human rights, and all other functions that are owned by the state. The provision of all these requires efforts, financial and human wherewithal. The use of technology has not only made this a fast and more transparent process, but it has also increased the efficiency with which these public administration tasks are carried out. Technology advancement in public administration has made it easy for the government to secure its citizens, especially through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) (Clarke, 2016). Therefore, adva ...
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