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Apple Inc Commercial Architecture Paper

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Running head: APPLE COMPANY 1
Apple Company

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Apple Company
Apple Inc. is a multinational firm that has over 30 stores globally. Peter Bohlin's
coordinated efforts with Steve Jobs have borne profound results in the company. The work done
by Bohlin at Apple Inc. is inviting, technologically advanced, and sleek too. According to
Stewart (2011), retail architecture is a massive but essential box that Apple uses to warp its
products. The structural element of Apple is made of glass, and Bohlin has won himself several
awards for his outstanding work at Apple. The chemistry between Jobs and Bohlin seemingly
contributed to Apple’s commercial architecture.
The use of glass as the company’s signature architectural statement has received great
admiration. The use of pristine glass cube on the store located on the Fifth Avenue lured a lot of
potential customers in the retail store (Stewart, 2011). Further, Hafner (2007) observed that the
staffs at Apple stores are often busy and cheerful when serving customers. Apple’s workers are
the reason why the company’s stocks went up to 135% back in 2007. The ever dedicated staff
has ensured that Apple beats competitors such as NASDAQ and Google. Both iPods and iPhones
have had "a halo effect" (Hafner, 2007). Unlike other competitors, Apple’s success in retailing
has increased the company’s growth and sales.
Apple's physical stores have generated close to 20% of the company's revenue.
According to Hafner (2007), Apple's retail stores accumulated over $1.25 billion in revenue.
Conversely, competitors like Dell, Sony, and Nokia are constantly struggling to devise the
appropriate retail formula to increase sales. Indeed bright acoustics and lights have created a
buzz that is more appealing to customers who feel at ease while in the store. Apple's offerings
and products are quite compelling, and this has acted in favor of the company. Notwithstanding,

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Running head: APPLE COMPANY 1 Apple Company Name Institution Date APPLE COMPANY 2 Apple Company Apple Inc. is a multinational firm that has over 30 stores globally. Peter Bohlin's coordinated efforts with Steve Jobs have borne profound results in the company. The work done by Bohlin at Apple Inc. is inviting, technologically advanced, and sleek too. According to Stewart (2011), retail architecture is a massive but essential box that Apple uses to warp its products. The structural element of Apple is made of glass, and Bohlin has won himself several awards for his outstanding work at Apple. The chemistry between Jobs and Bohlin seemingly contributed to Apple’s commercial architecture. The use of glass as the company’s signature architectural statement has received great admiration. The use of pristine glass cube on the store located on the Fifth Avenue lured a lot of potential customers in the retail store (Stewart, 2011). Further, Hafner (2007) observed that the staffs at Apple stores are often busy and cheerful when serving customers. Apple’s workers are the reason why the company’s stocks went up to 135% back in 2007. The ever dedicated staff has ensured that Apple beats competitors such as NASDAQ and Google. Both iPods and iPhones have had "a halo effect" (Hafner, 2007). Unlike other competitors, Apple’s success in retailing has increased the company’s growth and sales. Apple's physical stores have generated close to 20% of the company's revenue. Accordin ...
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