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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity Discussion

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Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity
Artificial intelligence is machine-based intelligence concerned with the creation and
development of smart machines that are capable of carrying out human-like functions. Artificial
intelligence is rapidly growing, and many industrialized countries have adopted it. Harari (2018)
fears that AI can easily erode the ideals of equality and liberty and the entirely the advantages
associated with democracy. Technological advancements in the 21
century are threatening
liberalism. Harari (2018) further asserts that liberalism is rapidly losing its credibility due to
technological conditions. The growth of AI will soon undermine the technology that favored
Infotech and biotech are likely to generate upheavals in human society in the coming
days. In the future, machines technology will replace human labor. People will be pushed out of
their jobs and replaced with machines. Harari (2018) further argues that machines will only take
over cognitive jobs, but human intelligence will come up with new creative jobs for humans. The
growth of AI will ensure the disappearance of jobs that demand increased creativity and
intelligence. AI will generate digital dictatorships, and human authority will be shifted from
people to networked machines (Harari, 2018).
Singler (2019) demonstrates different perspectives on the rapid growth of AI and its
implication on human society. Firstly, human superiority and dominance over the planet will
enable them to flourish even in the wake of advanced AI. Secondly, Singler (2019) also argues
that the emergence of technologies will have negative impacts on the future of humanity because
technology will render humans inferior to machines, and later machines will gain dominance
over humans. AI apocalypses will alienate the human race and cause their downfall, and

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Running head: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Artificial Intelligence Name Institution Date 1 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2 Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity Artificial intelligence is machine-based intelligence concerned with the creation and development of smart machines that are capable of carrying out human-like functions. Artificial intelligence is rapidly growing, and many industrialized countries have adopted it. Harari (2018) fears that AI can easily erode the ideals of equality and liberty and the entirely the advantages associated with democracy. Technological advancements in the 21st century are threatening liberalism. Harari (2018) further asserts that liberalism is rapidly losing its credibility due to technological conditions. The growth of AI will soon undermine the technology that favored democracy. Infotech and biotech are likely to generate upheavals in human society in the coming days. In the future, machines technology will replace human labor. People will be pushed out of their jobs and replaced with machines. Harari (2018) further argues that machines will only take over cognitive jobs, but human intelligence will come up with new creative jobs for ...
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