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Capitalism and its Impact on Sexuality Discussion

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Capitalism and its Impact on Sexuality
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Capitalism and its Impact on Sexuality 2
Capitalism and its Impact on Sexuality
Capitalism is strongly linked to the LGBT community and their overall identity in the
United States and around the world. It is believed that industrial capitalism if behind the
emergence of gay identity and formulates the stage for movements of lesbians and gays in the
United States. The relationship between the two entities continues to date given that the
diversification in capitalism yielded multiple insights into gay identity. The reform capitalism is
responsible for the psychiatric gay identity while the social contract capitalism formulated an
“out” minority gay identity. It is proven that in a state of in-crisis capitalism is behind the
creation of a contested and decentralized gay identity.
Another form of capitalism known as the neoliberal capitalism formulated a gay identity
based on consumerism and domestication. Instead of looking at gay identity through the social
networks, opportunities, social construction, and resources prism, it is best understood by
focusing on capitalistic political economy rubric. According to Jane Collier’s works on “from
Mary to modern woman,” emigration and television spread in the country side played a major
role in the opening up of rural Spain changing the norms and customs radically (Collier, 1986).
These changes came in form of choices alien to the previous generation that consisted mainly of
parents and grandparents.
John D’emilio candidly reminisces on the 1960’s discovery of gay status depicting it as
lonely and constricted. It was common that the discovery process and gay life should be unaware
of others, isolated, and far from resources for understanding and naming the feelings they had.
Capitalism is credited to be the main cause of the origination and existence of gay identity
(DEmilio, 1992). This finding states that through historical capitalistic development most
probably in the free labor system allowed the coming out of gays and lesbians as a result of a

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Running head: Capitalism and its Impact on Sexuality Capitalism and its Impact on Sexuality Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 Capitalism and its Impact on Sexuality 2 Capitalism and its Impact on Sexuality Capitalism is strongly linked to the LGBT community and their overall identity in the United States and around the world. It is believed that industrial capitalism if behind the emergence of gay identity and formulates the stage for movements of lesbians and gays in the United States. The relationship between the two entities continues to date given that the diversification in capitalism yielded multiple insights into gay identity. The reform capitalism is responsible for the psychiatric gay identity while the social contract capitalism formulated an “out” minority gay identity. It is proven that in a state of in-crisis capitalism is behind the creation of a contested and decentralized gay identity. Another form of capitalism known as the neoliberal capitalism formulated a gay identity based on consumerism and domestication. Instead of looking at gay identity through the social networks, opportunities, social construction, and resources prism, it is best unde ...
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