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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Discussion

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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
First Name Last Name
Course Code: Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Due Date

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Discussion Point One
The patient symptom description and her behavioural orientation have prompted the early
onset of schizophrenia as a viable diagnosis. This decision came about as a result of irrefutable
evidence and reference from previous case studies and literature on the matter. Other
psychological tests also came in handy when delivering the diagnosis.
Youth schizophrenia is a severe yet rare mental issue where kids interpret reality
strangely. Schizophrenia entails a range of topics with speculation (intellectual), behaviour, or
feelings (Tamnes & Agartz, 2016). It may raise a mixture of visualizations, daydreams, and
much-disarranged reflection and expression that disables a child's ability to work.
Youth schizophrenia is equal to schizophrenia in adults; however, it occurs from the
beginning throughout life and profoundly afflicts a child's behaviour and growth. With children
schizophrenia, the early onset presents extreme constraints for diagnosis, treatment, training, and
emotional and social turn of events. Schizophrenia is a perpetual condition that requires long
lasting treatment (Driver et al., 2020). Recognizing and beginning treatment for youth
schizophrenia right on time may fundamentally improve your youngster's long term result.
The optima outcome expected from this diagnosis is to have an array of solutions that limit if not
do away with the option of using medication to remedy the situation. Another reason is that it
will provide the required insight as to how to approach the issue and have positive results from
the diagnosis.
The difference between the expectations and the results is that no distinct or specified
description would offer additional insight as compared to the expected results. The overall results
also focused mainly on the tests taken instead of showing the detailed findings from the analyses.

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1 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry First Name Last Name Course Code: Course Name Instructor’s Name Due Date 2 Discussion Point One The patient symptom description and her behavioural orientation have prompted the early onset of schizophrenia as a viable diagnosis. This decision came about as a result of irrefutable evidence and reference from previous case studies and literature on the matter. Other psychological tests also came in handy when delivering the diagnosis. Youth schizophrenia is a severe yet rare mental issue where kids interpret reality strangely. Schizophrenia entails a range of topics with speculation (intellectual), behaviour, or feelings (Tamnes & Agartz, 2016). It may raise a mixture of visualizations, daydreams, and much-disarranged reflection and expression that disables a child's ability to work. Youth schizophrenia is equal to schizophrenia in adults; however, it occurs from the beginning throughout life and profoundly afflicts a child's behaviour and growth. With children schizophrenia, the early onset presents extreme constraints for diagnosis, treatment, training, and emotional and social turn of events. Schizophrenia is a perpetual condition that requires long lasting treatment (Driver et al., 2020). Recognizing and beginning treatment for youth schizophrenia right on time may fundamentally improve your youngster's long term result. The optima outcome expected from this diagnosis is to have an array of solutions that limit if not do away with t ...
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