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The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering Paper

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Research Paper
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Running Head: The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering 1
“The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering”

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Running Head: The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering 1
Since the inception of the CRISPR technology a debate has raged about the ethical issues surrounding its
usage. The technology has the capability to alter the genetic code of embryos before the are implanted
into the womb. These children could be born with no predisposition to cancer, blood diseases, diabetes,
mental disabilities, and countless other debilitating conditions. While this may seem like an objectively
positive outcome for all parties involved, the questions must be asked about the societal fairness, ethical
integrity, and discriminatory factors involved. The quintessential question becomes, is it ethical to “play
God” and predetermine the genetic outcome for a select few, if it could save them from horrific diseases?
The answer, while not uncomplicated, is yes, regardless of the potential ethical conflicts. The technology
should still be developed and researched, and health and wellness should be placed above other concerns.
The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering

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Running Head: The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering “The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering” 1 Running Head: The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering 1 Abstract Since the inception of the CRISPR technology a debate has raged about the ethical issues surrounding its usage. The technology has the capability to alter the genetic code of embryos before the are implanted into the womb. These children could be born with no predisposition to cancer, blood diseases, diabetes, mental disabilities, and countless other debilitating conditions. While this may seem like an objectively positive outcome for all parties involved, the questions must be asked about the societal fairness, ethical integrity, and discriminatory factors involved. The quintessential question becomes, is it ethical to “play God” and predetermine the genetic outcome for a select few, if it could save them from horrific diseases? The answer, while not uncomplicated, is yes, regardless of the potential ethical conflicts. The technology should still be developed and researched, and health and wellness should be placed above other concerns. The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering Running Head: The Ethical Ramifications of Embryonic Genetic Engineering 1 Genetic diseases are some of the most dangerous, deadly, and debilitating conditions that a child can suffer from. These conditions can range from cancer predispositions to do ...
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