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Quadratic Functions and Equations Presentation

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Quadratic Functions and Equations The chapter about quadratic equations and functions was represented by studing the parabolic trajectories of Angry Birds characters. The way that these 4 birds and two pigs lay on a quadratic plane and the way that they arc across the plane shows how parabolas function. Each bird has a maximum height, axis of symmetry, and a traveled distance Red Bird Maximum Height: 49 yards Axis of Symmetry: x=12 Distance Traveled: 5 to 19 yards Yellow Bird Maximum Height: 17.5 yards Axis of Symmetry: x=9 Distanced Traveled: 18 yards Black Bird Maximum Height: 28 yards Axis of Symmetry: x=21 Distance Traveled: 34 yards Blue Bird Maximum Height: 36 yards Axis of Symmetry: x=10 Distance Traveled: 12 yards Each of the pigs lay at a set point on the graph, each one is hit by one of the birds This graph represents the trajectory of each bird. The colors on the graph correspond to each bird. The King pig is represented by a green point on the graph. The Mustache pig is represented by a purple point on the graph. King Pig The King pig rests at point (22,20) on the graph. When looking at the trajectories of the birds, it's understood that KIng pig is hit by the Red bird Mustache Pig The Mustache Pig rests at point (9,21). The graph shows that he is hit by the blue bird during its arc. Statistics a. Which bird flew the highest? Red bird a. Which bird flew the longest? Black bird a. Which bird hit which pig? Blue hit mustache Red hit king ...
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