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Ch 1 Directions, Planes, Cavities, Homeostasis Notes

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Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 1
Directions, Planes, Cavities, Homeostasis
Anatomy- studies the form and structure of the body.
Physiology- examines how the body functions
Structure and function are inseparable
Together, they provide the basis for understanding health and human
Human Anatomy Foundation
Anatomic Position- upright stance, feet parallel and flat on floor, upper limbs at sides
of body, palms face anteriorly (towards the front), head is level, eyes look forward
Prone- body lying facedown
Supine- body lying faceup (supine-spine, lying on spine)
Regional Names- Cephalic (head), Cervical (neck), Trunk, Upper limb, lower limb
Anatomic Directions
Anterior/Ventral- closer to the front
Posterior/Dorsal- closer to the back
Proximal- closer to attachment
Distal- farther from attachment
Superior/Cranial/Cephalic- closer to head
Inferior/Caudal- farther from head
Medial- closer to midline
Lateral- farther from midline
Deep- deeper than superficial
Superficial- closer to surface

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Intermediate- in between
Ipsilateral- two parts on same side
Contralateral- two parts on opposite sides
Sections and planes
Coronal plane/Frontal plane- divide body into front and back
Transverse plane- divide body into top and bottom
Midsagittal plane- divide body into equal left and right halves
Sagittal plane- divide body into unequal left and right structures
Oblique plane- pass through structures at an angle
Parasagittal- unequal left and right sides

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Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 1 Directions, Planes, Cavities, Homeostasis Anatomy- studies the form and structure of the body. Physiology- examines how the body functions Structure and function are inseparable Together, they provide the basis for understanding health and human performance Human Anatomy Foundation Anatomic Position- upright stance, feet parallel and flat on floor, upper limbs at sides of body, palms face anteriorly (towards the front), head is level, eyes look forward Prone- body lying facedown Supine- body lying faceup (supine-spine, lying on spine) Regional Names- Cephalic (head), Cervical (neck), Trunk, Upper limb, lower limb Anatomic Directions Anterior/Ventral- closer to the front Posterior/Dorsal- closer to the back Proximal- closer to attachment Distal- farther from attachment Superior/Cranial/Cephalic- closer to head Inferior/Caudal- farther from head Medial- closer to midline Lateral- farther from midline Deep- deeper than superficial Superficial- closer to surface Intermediate- in between Ipsilateral- two parts on same side Contralateral- two parts on opposite sides Sections and planes Coronal plane/Frontal plane- divide body into front and back Transverse plane- divide body into top and bottom Midsagittal plane- divide body into equal left and right halves Sagittal plane- divide body into unequal left and right structures Oblique plane- pass through structures at an angle Parasagittal- unequal left and right sides Regional Anatomy Human body ...
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