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Supply Chain Management 11 Q

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ashford university
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SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT A study of Supply chain for wild for Wild Dog Coffee Company Theories of Supply chain management ▪ A supply chain is a network of suppliers, manufacturers, and assembly that perform the procurement of materials into intermediate and finished products and the final distribution of the products to the final consumers (Chopra & Sodhi, 2014). ▪ It can also be defined as an integration of business processes from the enduser through the original supplier. It also includes services and information that add value to the customers. ▪ Supply Chain Designs ▪ There are four different types of supply-chain designs ▪ Continuous flow models: This design offers stability during high demand situations. ▪ Fast Chain models: Works well with companies that have to change their products frequently. ▪ Efficient Chain models: Useful in competitive markets. ▪ Agile model: This model is ideal for businesses that deal in order items. It requires the supply chain to meet the market requirements when the demand is high and also when there is no much movement in the market. ▪ Flexible model: The flexible markets give businesses freedom to meet high demand and also manage long periods of low volume. Supply chain Scenario A for Wild Dog: Upside scenario ▪ The model represents well-structured distribution models that thrive on size and ubiquity as well. ▪ The scenario is based on a low-cost approach that would drive out competition, and this model allows ...
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