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Network Security Controls Discussion

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Network Security Controls Discussion
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The Network Access Control system is born with a main objective: to end or at least to a
large extent prevent the equipment from being exposed to risks and lacking specific programs to
combat them, such as antivirus programs or patches. The main problem that the NAC has
encountered is to ensure that the safety guidelines are met in all the devices that are part of the
network, hence providing the best solutions so that each of them can be introduced into the
system itself without Be a risk to others. For this reason, the NAC has the ability to detect any
infected device that wants to be included in the large network we work with (Cole, 2013).
Network security controls can be achieved through adoption of management policies
such as blacklist, whitelist, and mac-ip binding through the security management audit module.
Network administrators need to do simple configuration in advance to detect illegal access
devices in time. When an illegal device is accessed, the NMS generates an alarm to notify the
NMS personnel (Cole, 2013).
There is also a need to have equipment performance monitoring. The network
administrators need to obtain performance information routers, switches, databases, middleware,
and other devices through multi-threaded initiative polling mechanism, and performance
information to chart the way the list presented to the user, allowing users to intuitively control
Network equipment operation (Cole, 2013).
Network security controls can also be achieved through adoption of management
practices such as providing topology management functions, and supporting topology display
network alarms, supporting topology to complete various network management operations;
providing extended functions, and supporting extended support through configuration. Device
type, resource type, and monitor task; provide business management functions, and view and
manage services through tables and topology.

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Running head: NETWORK SECURITY CONTROL Network Security Controls Discussion Student’s Name Institution Date NETWORK SECURITY CONTROL 2 The Network Access Control system is born with a main objective: to end or at least to a large extent prevent the equipment from being exposed to risks and lacking specific programs to combat them, such as antivirus programs or patches. The main problem that the NAC has encountered is to ensure that the safety guidelines are met in all the devices that are part of the network, hence providing the best solutions so that each of them can be introduced into the system itself without Be a risk to others. For this reason, the NAC has the ability to detect any infected device that wants to be included in the large network we work with (Cole, 2013). Network security controls can be achieved through adoption of management policies such as blacklist, whitelist, and mac-ip binding through the security management audit module. Network administrators need to do simple configuration in advance to detect illegal access devices in time. When an illegal device is accessed, the NMS generates an alarm to notify the NMS personnel (Cole, 2013). There is also a n ...
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Just what I needed…Fantastic!
