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Personal Branding Discussion

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Personal Branding
Student’s Name

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A personal brand in itself is a unique phenomenon that allows you to earn good money on
your own name and reputation. Your image will be the key for communicating with people of
various fields, whether it be clients, investors or business partners. A personal image is a kind of
asset on which the promotion of your self-brand will depend (Chritton, 2012). When you realize
that a well-formed self-brand is a great opportunity to attract a contact audience and achieve your
goals, the results will not be long in coming. That is why reputation management is an important
task that will need to be dealt with daily, and it is better to start this business today.
The right image will greatly enhance the competitiveness of your business projects.
Remember Steve Jobs. Thanks to him, the Apple brand has become so strong. Your reputation
will consist of “evidence of expertise” - reviews, recommendations, completed projects, awards
and so on. You must be credible. Your reputation will consist of “evidence of expertise” -
reviews, recommendations, completed projects, awards and so on. You must be credible. A
personal brand opens up great opportunities for modern people in the field of the freedom to
form a personal career (Frischmann, 2014).
Promoting, as well as actively building your personal brand, is worth it only if you fully
adequately evaluate yourself as a real specialist. If a person is truly a highly qualified specialist
in his field, then, of course, his friends and colleagues will promote him. And this is the basis for
promoting an I-brand. When communicating, position yourself exclusively as a qualified
specialist, but without bragging. Let others understand that communicating with you will be
useful and beneficial. After all, everyone loves mutually beneficial cooperation. And the
developed high self-esteem and self-confidence will certainly do their job and help in the task of
building an outstanding and effective personal brand (Frischmann, 2014).

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Personal Branding Student’s Name Institution Date A personal brand in itself is a unique phenomenon that allows you to earn good money on your own name and reputation. Your image will be the key for communicating with people of various fields, whether it be clients, investors or business partners. A personal image is a kind of asset on which the promotion of your self-brand will depend (Chritton, 2012). When you realize that a well-formed self-brand is a great opportunity to attract a contact audience and achieve your goals, the results will not be long in coming. That is why reputation management is an important task that will need to be dealt with daily, and it is better to start this business today. The right image will greatly enhance the competitiveness of your business projects. Remember Steve Jobs. Thanks to him, the Apple brand has become so strong. Your reputation will consist of “evidence of expertise” - reviews, recommendations, completed projects, awards and so on. You must be credible. Your reputation will consist of “evidence of expertise” reviews, recommendations, completed projects, awards and so on. You must be credible. A personal brand opens up great ...
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