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Workplace Relations and Discrimination Research Paper

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Workplace Relations and Discrimination
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Non-discrimination enshrined in many international legal instruments ( the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948 , the ILO Declaration on Fundamental
Principles and Rights at Work of 19 June 1998 , and others. Despite the fact that the issue of
discrimination is one of the most important when it comes to ensuring the equality of citizens'
rights to work, there are limited statistical evidences. There is even no official statistics on
discrimination. Not a single state body keeps records that would make it possible to understand
what pattern is emerging in a country with discrimination. This is because the main indicator of
its presence or absence is court decisions. And there exists a minimum cases dealing with the
issue of discrimination. Nevertheless, according to the expert, in practice discrimination is quite
common, and it manifests itself in various forms and concerns various aspects of work from
hiring and dismissal to remuneration. So, employees for the trial period are often set lower
salaries than colleagues, and employees with equal qualifications and holding the same position
are paid different salaries. In terms of hiring, for example, the modern employer never indicates
the true reason for the refusal - he usually motivates his decision either by the lack of a suitable
vacancy or by the lack of the required professional qualities of the applicant (Konrad, Cannings
& Goldberg 2010). At the same time, it is quite difficult to prove the fact of discrimination in
practice, and therefore cases of discrimination are considered extremely rarely in favor of the
employee. The main types of workplace discrimination is by gender and age. The study attempts
to answer two questions. The first question is to determine whether employees are paid
differently based on their gender. The second question is to establish whether employees are paid
differently based on their age.

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Running head: WORKPLACE RELATIONS AND DISCRIMINATION Workplace Relations and Discrimination Student’s Name Institution Date WORKPLACE RELATIONS AND DISCRIMINATION 2 Introduction Non-discrimination enshrined in many international legal instruments ( the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948 , the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of 19 June 1998 , and others. Despite the fact that the issue of discrimination is one of the most important when it comes to ensuring the equality of citizens' rights to work, there are limited statistical evidences. There is even no official statistics on discrimination. Not a single state body keeps records that would make it possible to understand what pattern is emerging in a country with discrimination. This is because the main indicator of its presence or absence is court decisions. And there exists a minimum cases dealing with the issue of discrimination. Nevertheless, according to the expert, in practice discrimination is quite common, and it manifests itself in various forms and concerns various aspects of work from hiring and dismissal to remuneration. So, employees for the trial period are often set lower salaries than colleagues, and employees with equal qualifications and holding the same position are paid different salaries. In terms of hiring, for example, the modern employer never indicates the true reason for the refusal - he usually motivates his decision either by the lack of a ...
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