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Double Blind Control Experiment

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Double-blind control experiment
By- Preyashi Karmakar

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Double-blind control experiment
In this experiment, neither experimenters nor recipients know who is getting the
treatment. Treatment is the independent variable, which the experimenter is manipulating. It
is useful to prevent bias in any experiment.
So to explain in a broader view we can use an example. Suppose any researcher has
invented any drug. Now he wants to know does it effect on human being or not. To avoid bias
in the experiment researcher undergo this double-blind control experiment. One group gets
the drug and the other is the control group (did not get the drug rather get a normal sugar pill,
which is known as placebo) but neither the researcher nor the recipients know who is getting
the drug. So by reviewing any effect on the recipients, the researcher determines the efficacy
of that drug.
This experiment is carried on-
i) So that recipient’s belief towards the treatment cannot influence the result of the
treatment, and
ii) The experimenter’s belief also is less likely to influence the outcome. Sometimes
the researchers unknowingly influence the result during the collection of data.
So by this, the chances of bias in the experiment are cut out.
The randomized study helps to eliminate the influence of immeasurable variables.
Cases where it is mostly used
In a research paper, this experiment is considered a ‘gold standard’ in epidemiological
A double-blinded control experiment is widely done in medical studies, clinical
research, drug discovery, forensic application, computer-generated survey, etc.

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DOUBLE-BLIND CONTROL EXPERIMENT Double-blind control experiment By- Preyashi Karmakar Date-06.06.2020 1 DOUBLE-BLIND CONTROL EXPERIMENT 2 Double-blind control experiment In this experiment, neither experimenters nor recipients know who is getting the treatment. Treatment is the independent variable, which the experimenter is manipulating. It is useful to prevent bias in any experiment. So to explain in a broader view we can use an example. Suppose any researcher has invented any drug. Now he wants to know does it effect on human being or not. To avoid bias in the experiment researcher undergo this double-blind control experiment. One group gets the drug and the other is the control group (did not get the drug rather get a normal sugar pill, which is known as placebo) but neither the researcher nor the recipients know who is getting the drug. So by reviewing any effect on the recip ...
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