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E Commerce Management Paper

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Research Paper
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Running head: E-COMMERCE 1
Institution Affiliation

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When a starting business looks at how to supply their product, it is difficult to reach even
the entire local market. However, the internet has provided vast ideas for the business person.
Entrepreneurs have been searching for ideas to integrate technology into business. E-commerce
has been their result. This has been a source of optimism for those looking to get commodities
and ideas to the general public quickly.
This article generally looks at how e-commerce works for anyone. How a small
enterprise competes on a global scale by using the internet and technological know-how. E-
commerce is playing a basic role in the economy and its use is increasing. Due to lack of know-
how in some small companies and some African countries they make mistakes leading to
financial loss through fines.
Key term and why am interested in it
It has been alluding to the growth of the business industry, specifically over the past
decade with the onset of the technology, entrepreneurs are searching for ideas to combine
technology and business. This has led to the emergence of e-commerce. E-commerce has found
its roots in the business sector and now its use is almost everywhere ranging from online retail
like ordering supplies, online banking and paying bills. Due to the current economic situations in
different countries business person ells are looking for innovative and inventive ways to get a
bigger market share without physical movement of the business. With e-commerce rooting itself
in the economic sector it is essential to understand and appreciate its role and use in economic
Explanation of the keyword

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Running head: E-COMMERCE 1 E-commerce Name Institution Affiliation Date E-COMMERCE 2 E-Commerce When a starting business looks at how to supply their product, it is difficult to reach even the entire local market. However, the internet has provided vast ideas for the business person. Entrepreneurs have been searching for ideas to integrate technology into business. E-commerce has been their result. This has been a source of optimism for those looking to get commodities and ideas to the general public quickly. This article generally looks at how e-commerce works for anyone. How a small enterprise competes on a global scale by using the internet and technological know-how. Ecommerce is playing a basic role in the economy and its use is increasing. Due to lack of knowhow in some small companies and some African countries they make mistakes leading to financial loss through fines. Key term and why am interested in it It has been alluding to the growth of the business industry, specifically over the past decade with the onset of the technology, entrepreneurs are searching for ideas to combine technology and business. This has led to the emergence of e-commerce. E-commerce has found its roots in the business sector and now its use is almost everywhere ranging from online retail like ordering supplies, online banking and paying bills. Due to the current economic situations in different countries business person ells are looking for innovative and inventive ways to get a bigger ...
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