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Organizational Dynamics and Leadership Approach Paper

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Running head: Management Element 1
Organizational Dynamics and Leadership Approach
Name of student
Institution affiliation

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Management Element 2
Changes in staffing or training programs or other individually taken measures cannot solve
everything in an organization. At some point, you may even find employees preferring previous
ways of doing things to the current way and really demanding for a change. We sometimes fear
or hate talking about the management and could be the major problem. The question has got to
be asked? The leadership style or the way they communicate could be a contributing factor or the
executive team as a whole could be doing something wrong. We need to turn our eyes to the
executive team he brings into consideration leadership factors.

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Running head: Management Element Organizational Dynamics and Leadership Approach Name of student Institution affiliation Date 1 Management Element 2 Hypothesis Changes in staffing or training programs or other individually taken measures cannot solve everything in an organization. At some point, you may even find employees preferring previous ways of doing things to the current way and really demanding for a change. We sometimes fear or hate talking about the management and could be the major problem. The question has got to be asked? The leadership style or the way they communicate could be a contributing factor or the executive team as a whole could be doing something wrong. We need to turn our eyes to the executive team he brings into consideration leadership factors. Management Element 3 Management Theories That Explain Organizational Dynamics As A Result Of Leadership Approaches According to Pierce & Newstrom, 2011, leadership is viewed as a societal result whereby the head is the effect of coming together of an individual, organization or requirement emerging from a situation endured by each. Leadership concepts have expanded over the years into diversified concepts such as leadership based on value, servant, ecological and ethical leadership. Northouse, 2013 argues that despite the progress made in discerning the complex aspects of leadership, there are many questions that go unanswered. Due to technical, globalization influence and generational difference, t ...
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