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Marketing Mix Relation with Offering of Service & Product Discussion

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Running head: MARKETING MIX 1
Marketing mix

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Discuss how the marketing mix will vary in relationship to the offering of service and of a
The marketing mix is a set of activities or tactics used by a firm to promote its
commodities in the market. It consists of 4Ps which are product, promotion, price and place.
Products are the goods that are sold (Datta et al., 2017). It must generate a minimum of level; of
performance or else even the best effort on the other aspects of the marketing mix perform
poorly. Promotion is the effort taken to introduce goods and services to customers. Promotion
involves advertisement of the products and services, press reporting as well as the client`s
schemes. A place is a point where selling and buying take place (Wu et al., 2018). Price is the
value of a good or service. It depends on the demand and supply of a commodity, the cost of
productions as well as the other direct and indirect factors. The marketing mix is important
because it enables us to understand what our products and services we can provide to our clients.
It also enables us to plan and to develop reliable trade procedures. It also helps us determine
whether a commodity or service is suitable for clients.
Sometimes, the market mix varies in different aspects. One, services cannot be stored.
This symbolizes that they have to be delivered currently. On the contrary, products can be a
store, and therefore they can be delivered at other times. Second, some goods are perishable.
Therefore they can`t be kept for wrong while services are not perishable and can be offered
regularly. Pricing of services can be higher (Wu et al., 2018). This is because they are attended at
cost, for instance, labour.
On the other hand, products can be easily priced; there is no attendance cost. Besides, offering a
service is repeated and for this matter, advertisement is crucial in discerning a service providing

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Running head: MARKETING MIX 1 Marketing mix Name Institution Course Date MARKETING MIX 2 Discuss how the marketing mix will vary in relationship to the offering of service and of a product. The marketing mix is a set of activities or tactics used by a firm to promote its commodities in the market. It consists of 4Ps which are product, promotion, price and place. Products are the goods that are sold (Datta et al., 2017). It must generate a minimum of level; of performance or else even the best effort on the other aspects of the marketing mix perform poorly. Promotion is the effort taken to introduce goods and services to customers. Promotion involves advertisement of the products and services, press reporting as well as the client`s schemes. A place is a point where selling and buying take place (Wu et al., 2018). Price is the value of a good or service. It depends on the demand and supply of a commodity, the cost of productions as well as the other direct and indirect factors. The marketing mix is important because it enables us to understand what our products and services we can provide to our clients. It also enables us to plan and to develop reliable trade procedures. It a ...
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Very useful material for studying!
