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Concordia University Chicago Music and Arts Discussion

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Concordia University Chicago
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Music and Arts 101 Concordia Chicago
Music can have a powerful influence on people. However, this is not just demonstrated
through modern day music, but also many examples of classical music as well. In fact, music
can have either a positive, or negative impact on the brain, and it can inspire them to become
something that they thought they could not do before. As “10 Effects Music has on the Mind”
states, “A study of 8 to 11-year-olds found that, those who had extra-curricular music classes,
developed higher verbal IQ, and visual abilities, in comparison to those with no musical training
(p.1). This is one of the reasons why we have seen so many brilliant composers over the years.
Now, an example of classical music that has left an impact, is known as "The Baroque".
Moreover, it has a series of four concertos by Vivaldi, which are called the Four Seasons.
Now, one of the pieces that stood out to me the most, is a movement called “Winter”,
which is divided into four musical themed sections. This is also common with classical music.
As “Classic Music Periods” states, “Classical music is divided into periods which contain fairly
distinct musical styles” (p.1). What really stands out about the music, is that it fits the theme of a
chilly month. The first line of the poem discusses the shivering winds and frostbite, and this fits
well with the musical style and form of the piece. "Winter" is a very frigid piece of music, which
portrays a peacefulness of winter. However, the melody and rhythm, do an efficient job at
letting the audience know that there is an urgency to seek shelter and find warmth. At the same
time, though, in the following parts of the piece, the melody and rhythm began to slow down.
This portrays that shelter has been found, amid the cold winter season. As “The Four Seasons”
states, “We feel the chill north winds coarse through the home despite the locked and bolted
doors… this is winter, which nonetheless brings its own delights” (p.1).

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Music and Arts 101 – Concordia Chicago Music can have a powerful influence on people. However, this is not just demonstrated through modern day music, but also many examples of classical music as well. In fact, music can have either a positive, or negative impact on the brain, and it can inspire them to become something that they thought they could not do before. As “10 Effects Music has on the Mind” states, “A study of 8 to 11-year-olds found that, those who had extra-curricular music classes, developed higher verbal IQ, and visual abilities, in comparison to those with no musical tra ...
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