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Independent and Paired T Tests Paper

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Independent and paired T-tests

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Data visualization
Different visual representations are used to describe instrument data based on their level
of measurement. Histograms Are used to plot numeric data measured in ratio and interval. The
x-axis of histograms is comprised of Intervals while the y-axis is comprised of the respective
frequencies of histograms. Bar charts, on the other hand, are useful in plotting categorical data.
The x-axis of bar charts is comprised of categories while the y-axis is comprised of the
respective frequencies of categories.
Two histograms each for the age and pre-intervention psychological well-being variable
were plotted and their distinctions were as visualized in the histograms below.

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Independent and paired T-tests Name Institution Date Data visualization Different visual representations are used to describe instrument data based on their level of measurement. Histograms Are used to plot numeric data measured in ratio and interval. The x-axis of histograms is comprised of Intervals while the y-axis is comprised of the respective frequencies of histograms. Bar charts, on the other hand, are useful in plotting categorical data. The x-axis of bar charts is comprised of categories while the y-axis is comprised of the respective frequencies of categories. Histograms Two histograms each for the age and pre-intervention psychological well-being variable were plotted and their distinctions were as visualized in the histograms below. Bar chart The bar chart for the categorical education variable was as shown below. Test for normality The histogram for the age variable depicts a normal distribution. Most of the data is located near the mean, and fewer data points were located away from the mean. Descriptive Statistic Mean 39.45 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 33.53 Mean Upper Bound 45.37 5% Trimmed Mean 39.50 Median 39.50 Variance Std. Error 2.827 159.839 AGE Std. Deviation 12.643 Minimum 18 Maximum 60 Range 42 Interquartile Range 21 Skewness -.008 .512 Kurtosis -1.132 .992 Skewness and kurtosis statistics are imperative in determining the normality of a variable (Betsch, & Ebner,2019). The age variable was negatively s ...
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