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Slowing Down Global Warming Discussion

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Environmental Science
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Slowing Down Global Warming
Carbon dioxide and methane are the names of a certain type of gases called Greenhouse,
known to be receivers and emitters of solar heat that is caught up in the atmosphere and proceed
to send it back to the Earth where it came from. When this process occurs at a much higher rate
than normal, the consequences on the planet are very noticeable, ranging from natural disasters
like heat waves, hurricanes, cyclones, etc., that can provoke damage to houses, businesses, and
people by destroying properties and causing injuries or death, and to health issues due to
respiratory diseases that come as a result of air pollution and smog inhalation, which have taken
millions of lives a year. Also, rapid increases in temperatures and humidity difficult the obtention
of resources from the land, such as food (fruits, vegetables, meat) and materials (Climate Science
Investigations, 2016).
Although greenhouse gases were beneficial thousands of years ago for allowing the Earth
to maintain warm after ages of extreme cold, they have also been damaging for the past decades
because of their over-release to the atmosphere as a direct or indirect result of human actions,
such as burning organic materials (e.g., gasoline, coal, oil, etc.) to sustain electricity and energy
for technological devices, or causing wildfires, which generates carbon dioxide. As well as the
exploitation of the food industry (cattle and rice farming), and the increase of contamination,
which lead to the release of methane gases. However, there are ways in which such actions can
be reduced, and this can be done by considering the following important elements (Nunez,
1. Electrical devices consume a lot of energy, for which is important to reduce the
quantity and amount of time in which devices are plugged in, as well as lights and air
conditioning systems, are left on (Climate Science Investigations, 2016).

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2. The release of fossil fuels takes great part because of transportation, so
considering taking extra minutes to walk to a destination instead of using the bus, or choosing a
bike, could lead to less production of these gases (Nunez, 2019).
3. Wastes of all kinds create mountains of trash, but the correct use of objects can
allow less accumulation, leading to minor landfills all over the world. For this, to reduce
(regarding the number of belongings), to reuse (granting new applications to old objects), and to
recycle (not throwing away recyclable things) becomes crucial (Climate Science Investigations,
4. Since the maintenance of livestock represents a fundamental component of CO2
and CH4, especially in the case of the beef production, limiting the amount of meat consumption
every week could allow a decrease in the release of gases (Climate Science Investigations, 2016).
5. Lastly, plants must absorb CO2 to proceed with their photosynthesis and release
oxygen to the air, for which taking the initiative at the community and planting trees in near-by
areas could potentially make a big difference for the neighborhoods and sectors that commit to
this important cause (Nunez, 2019).

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Slowing Down Global Warming Carbon dioxide and methane are the names of a certain type of gases called Greenhouse, known to be receivers and emitters of solar heat that is caught up in the atmosphere and proceed to send it back to the Earth where it came from. When this process occurs at a much higher rate than normal, the consequences on the planet are very noticeable, ranging from natural disasters like heat waves, hurricanes, cyclones, etc., that can provoke damage to houses, businesses, and people by destroying properties and causing injuries or death, and to health issues due to respiratory diseases that come as a result of air pollution and smog inhalation, which have taken millions of lives a year. Also, rapid increases in temperatures and humidity difficult the obtention of resources from the land, such as food (fruits, vegetables, meat) and materials (Climate Science Investigati ...
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