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Conditions for Probation or Parole Paper

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Criminal Justice
Research Paper
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Conditions for Probation or Parole
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Conditions for Probation or Parole
Today the judge can grant several options to an offender regarding the punishment they
shall fulfill after or before trial. This might refer to ways ranging to non-imprisonment yet
supervised approaches used in dealing with criminal offenders who have either been convicted or
facing conviction. Punishments that an offender can face may include electronic surveillance,
fines, intensive provision, shock probations, and community supervision. However, the most
common sentence used in the justice system is both probation and parole. The release of an
offender from detention subjective to a specified period of supervising his/her excellent behavior
referred to probation. Generally, probation can be concluded as imposing a criminal sentence by
a judge for violation of the law by an offender. On the other hand, parole refers to a supervised
release of offenders from correlation facility that grants the offender to serve his/her remaining
sentence within specific conditions in the community. (Kaeble et al, 2015).
We have now familiarized with the tasks of paroles and probation officers. To be more
precise, we have learnt the purpose of parole and probation concerning how they impact an
offender positively. The administrative responsibilities of parole and probation caseloads are
what follows in my next discussion. In my analysis, I will point out the classifications of
probations and parole, the factors that determine the decision of parole board, and identifying
how those in charge of parole are placed for their roles. Most importantly, I will point out the
functions of probation and parole officers that might be deemed to be beyond administrative
responsibilities. (Hafoka et al, 2015).

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Running head: CONDITIONS FOR PROBATION OR PAROLE Conditions for Probation or Parole Student’s Name Institution Affiliation 1 CONDITIONS FOR PROBABTION OR PAROLE 2 Conditions for Probation or Parole Today the judge can grant several options to an offender regarding the punishment they shall fulfill after or before trial. This might refer to ways ranging to non-imprisonment yet supervised approaches used in dealing with criminal offenders who have either been convicted or facing conviction. Punishments that an offender can face may include electronic surveillance, fines, intensive provision, shock probations, and community supervision. However, the most common sentence used in the justice system is both probation and parole. The release of an offender from detention subjective to a specified period of supervising his/her excellent behavior referred to probation. Generally, probation can be concluded as imposing a criminal sentence by a judge for violation of the law by an offender. On the other hand, parole refers to a supervised release of offenders from correlation facility that grants the offender to serve his/her remaining sentence within specific conditions in the community. (Kaeble et al, 2015). We have now familiarized with the tasks of paroles and probation officers. To be more precise, we have learnt the purpose of parole and probation concerning how they impact an offender positively. The administrative responsibilities of parole and probation caseloads are wh ...
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