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ADHD, ODD, and CD Disorders
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has great effects to both the affected
child and the entire family at large. It refers to a situation where a child becomes inattentive,
excessive and impairing hyperactive which may affect the motivation of infected person. This
disorder may affect children and persist all the way to adulthood. Studies have been done to
determine the effect created by transcranial direct current stimulation. It was evident from the
studies that when the infected child is exposed to neuronal circuits the attention levels can be
increased due to the ability of his nerve system to respond effectively.
ADHD can be inherited from one generation to the other in a family. Genes from parents
suffering from can be passed to the offspring genetically hence it becomes hereditary. Exposure
of a child to toxic substances, for example drugs like tobacco, alcohol, cocaine among others in
early childhood stage may cause ADHD. The toxic substances in drugs can be passed to the kid
during pregnancy when the mother uses drugs or during breast feeding. Furthermore when a
child is exposed to brain injuries frequently it may cause ADHD disorder. ADHD is
characterized with three symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Since ADHD
makes a child not only to be restless in classroom but also at home. This makes behavioral
therapy to both parents and children as a measure with dealing with the disorder. The use of
stimulants and non-stimulant medications may also be used in dealing with ADHD (National
Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Report, 2000).
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

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Running Header: ADHD, ODD, AND CD DISORDERS ADHD, ODD, and CD Disorders Name: Institutional affiliation 1 ADHD, ODD, AND CD DISORDERS 2 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has great effects to both the affected child and the entire family at large. It refers to a situation where a child becomes inattentive, excessive and impairing hyperactive which may affect the motivation of infected person. This disorder may affect children and persist all the way to adulthood. Studies have been done to determine the effect created by transcranial direct current stimulation. It was evident from the studies that when the infected child is exposed to neuronal circuits the attention levels can be increased due to the ability of his nerve system to respond effectively. ADHD can be inherited from one generation to the other in a family. Genes from parents suffering from can be passed to the offspring genetically hence it becomes hereditary. Exposure of a child to toxic substances, for example drugs like tobacco, alcohol, cocaine among others in early childhood stage may cause ADHD. The toxic substances in drugs can be passed to the kid during pregnancy when the mother uses drugs or during breast feeding. Furthermore when a child is exposed to brain injuries frequently it may cause ADHD disorder. ADHD is characterized with three symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Since ADHD makes a child not only to be restless ...
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