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Seasonal Employees And Cyber Security

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Information Technology
University of Maryland Global Campus
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Seasonal Employees and Cyber Security
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Seasonal Employees and Cyber Security
Authors assertions on cybersecurity risks in the workplace
I agree with the author's point of view on workplace cybersecurity for seasonal workers.
Because of the enormous amount of sensitive data stored in these establishments, cyber security
is critical in the hospitality industry (Bonderud, 2016). Hiring seasonal staff for such a short
period, on the other hand, increases the risk of a security breach. The most prevalent blunder is
giving temporary employees too much access and neglecting to instruct them on how to protect
themselves against cyberattacks. For example, in the hotel sector, a front desk clerk's
responsibilities include checking in and tending to visitors, answering phones, and initiating
payments, among others. If an evil person gets access to this information, it might lead to many
problems in the hotel.
Steps managers can take to reduce security risks.
Managers can make reasonable efforts to limit the cybersecurity risks of seasonal or
temporary staff by mandating them to receive the same training as long-term employees.
According to statistics, organizations that provide phishing training are less likely to experience
cybersecurity breaches than companies that do not provide sensitive security training (Bonderud,
2016). As a result, it's best to apply the same security measures to both short- and long-term
staff. Companies can also safeguard their digital assets by conducting background checks and
requiring all workers to complete security awareness training. Employers will be able to hire
trustworthy staff and avoid hiring persons who intend to sabotage the firm using this procedure.
Another step should be applying the principle of least privilege. For example, an housekeeping
attendant demands a physically fit individual mainly because of their duties. Therefore, it is

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1 Seasonal Employees and Cyber Security Student’s Name Course Institution Professor Date 2 Seasonal Employees and Cyber Security Author’s assertions on cybersecurity risks in the workplace I agree with the author's point of view on workplace cybersecurity for seasonal workers. Because of the enormous amount of sensitive data stored in these establishments, cyber security is critical in the hospitality industry (Bonderud, 2016). Hiring seasonal staff for such a short period, on the other hand, increases the risk of a security breach. The most prevalent blunder is giving temporary employees too much access and neglecting to instruct them on how to protect themselves against cyberattacks. For example, in the hotel sector, a front desk clerk's responsibilities include checking in and tending to visitors, answering phones, and initiating payments, among others. If an evil person gets access to this information, it might lead to many problems in the hotel. Steps managers can take to reduce security risks. Managers can make reasonable efforts to limit the cybersecurity risks of seasonal or temporary staff by mandating them to receive the same training as long-term employees. Accor ...
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Really useful study material!


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