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Does Grammar Matter Anymore

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Grammar includes the systematic studies, usage and language description. They are rules
which govern a language. Grammar is important for a person to communicate clearly and the
audience to understand what the speaker is saying. Therefore, grammar still matters to a great
extent. It is because grammar can influence the career of an individual and therefore whatever he
says, he has to do so with a lot of seriousness.
Whichever the occasion, place or individual you are communicating to, one has to
observe grammar. Even they are private emails being sent to an individual, the language need to
be proper. You may not know the person the email may be forwarded to and if poor grammar is
used this can greatly affect your reputation. With poor grammar, one may also have a wrong
interpretation of what you intended to say and therefore, this can result to a misunderstanding.
Most individuals tend not to follow grammar on social media which is a great mistake.
Especially business organizations or an individual working for a particular firm, it will be
important to pay close attention as it represents the kind of individual you are. It also shows how
an organization takes its matters seriously. Grammar should also be highly observed on the
social networks because they might the sources of potential employers and if one does not use
proper language, he may end up losing some important opportunities.
In addition to this, when communicating to people who are outside the organization, it is
very important to follow the grammar rules. The composition of the contents given to the
outsiders should be grammatically correct in order to communicate what you intended to say
clearly. Even if an individual is using the bullet form of writing, he should construct sentences

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Grammar Grammar includes the systematic studies, usage and language description. They are rules which govern a language. Grammar is important for a person to communicate clearly and the audience to understand what the speaker is saying. Therefore, grammar still matters to a great extent. It is because grammar can influence the career of an individual and therefore whatever he says, he has to do so with a lot of seriousness. Whichever the occasion, place or individual you are communicating to, one has to observe grammar. Even they are private emails being sent to an individual, the language nee ...
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