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The Role Of The Government In Providing Welfare

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The Role of the Government in Providing Welfare
The government of the United States should provide for the social welfare of the citizens
because the purpose of the government is to serve the people and ensure that the citizens are cared
for. Through social welfare, the wellbeing of the society at large is the main target of the
government. However, every individual should make their own contributions and pull their weight
in the society, desisting from milking the system just for that sake. In providing for the social
welfare of the people, the government needs to play the role of taking interest in all the matters
that relate to the safeguards that should be provided for the people under the constitution as well
as other roles such as taking up cases that involve the violation of the constitutional rights of
specific groups of people.
The stalemate in Washington is holding the US back and preventing America from
developing on economic fronts. To break the stalemate in Washington, the federal government, as
well as state governments, should go about creating a constant and robust growth, paying their
respective debts in a balanced way to create more middle-class jobs and inspire the citizens to
work harder and get ahead in a functional and robust economy. To pay the investments that the
nation needs to pay in order to survive, the federal government needs to cut unnecessary spending
and request the wealthier citizens to pay more taxes compared to their counterparts who are not as
wealthy as them, in a bid to balance the economy and make it stronger.
Poverty has been a significant problem all over the world, but just like most other issues,
it is man-made and not natural; meaning that it can be eradicated through the actions of the people.
One of the major ways through which poverty can be eradicated within the United States is to
promote inclusive economic growth by boosting private investment in infrastructure. The nation
needs to invest in its people from early childhood, providing them with better education, skills,

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Course Title Student Name Institution Affiliation 1 The Role of the Government in Providing Welfare The government of the United States should provide for the social welfare of the citizens because the purpose of the government is to serve the people and ensure that the citizens are cared for. Through social welfare, the wellbeing of the society at large is the main target of the government. However, every individual should make their own contributions and pull their weight in the society, desisting from milking the system just for that sake. In providing for the social welfare of the people, the government needs to play the role of taking interest in all the matters that relate to the safeguards that should be provided for the people under the constitution as well as other roles such as taking up cases that involve the violation of the constitutional rights of specific groups of peopl ...
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Really useful study material!
