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Buddhist Monk Essay

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San Diego State University
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Buddhist Monk Essay
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Buddhism is a sacred religion that focuses on the peaceful coexistence of people in
society. Buddhism, like other religions, is based on adherence to moral principles and
commitment to the protection of the environment and its occupants. Its concepts are draws from
both logical perspectives about life and codes of conduct advocated by other religious groups.
The practice of Buddhism has increased globally as more people embrace the calmness and life
lessons associated with this religion.
The Buddhist Monk must have had a hard time determining the right action to be taken
under the condition. Buddhists believe that killing is wrong. However, they believe in a few
exceptions where killing is associated with justice or mercy. For instance, Buddhists were not
allowed to kill another person or kill an animal mercilessly without a justifiable reason. If a
person had been killed, then the son of the person was required to revenge the death of his father
by killing the individual who killed his father. Confucius viewed this as a justifiable crime as it
showed the victim’s commitment to his family. “The act of vengeance in retribution for murder
awakened an attitude of popular understanding…”.
This quote illustrates how ancient Chinese
culture, which was mostly influenced by Buddhism practises viewed revenge for the family as an
obligation that had to be fulfilled as a show of filial piety. Although the case study does not
involve the death of family members, the monk’s decision is justified because it was related to
compassion and the need to do the right thing. The article also supports similar killings where
friends are involved.
Kirk Sandvig’s book on Buddhism suggests that Buddhist should not engage in killings.
The book addresses five principles that Buddhists should follow. “…not to kill humans, not to
Michael Daldy, Revenge and the Law in Traditional China, The American Journal of Legal History, 25(4), 267-
307, Accessed (1981)

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Buddhist Monk Essay Student’s Name Course Date 1 Buddhism is a sacred religion that focuses on the peaceful coexistence of people in society. Buddhism, like other religions, is based on adherence to moral principles and commitment to the protection of the environment and its occupants. Its concepts are draws from both logical perspectives about life and codes of conduct advocated by other religious groups. The practice of Buddhism has increased globally as more people embrace the calmness and life lessons associated with this religion. The Buddhist Monk must have had a hard time determining the right action to be taken under the condition. Buddhists believe that killing is wrong. However, they believe in a few exceptions where killing is associated with justice or mercy. For instance, Buddhists were not allowed to kill another person or kill an animal mercilessly without a justifiable reason. If a person had been killed, then the son of the person was required to revenge the death of his father by killing the individual who killed his father. Confucius viewed this as a justifiable crime as it showed the victim’s commitment to his family. “The act of vengeance in retributio ...
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Very useful material for studying!
