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Excel Hw

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Kennedy King College
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Question 1: What is the difference between using a relative cell reference, an absolute cell
reference, and a mixed cell reference?
The difference between using a relative cell reference, an absolute reference and mixed cell
reference are:
(i) Relative cell reference changes when a formula is copied from one cell to another cell. By
default, all the references are relative cell references.
(ii) Absolute cell references remains constant no matter where they are copied. Generally used to
keep a row or column constant.
(iii) Mixed cell reference is either an absolute column & relative row or vice versa.
Question 2: What is a circular reference and why would you need to avoid it?
A formula in a cell that indirectly or directly refers to its own cell is called a circular reference. It
should be avoided because sometimes it gives somewhat unpredictable results and makes excel
go crazy.
Question 3: What information is required to use a PMT function?
The information required to use a PMT function is:
Nper Required. The total number of payments for the loan.
Type Optional.
Fv Optional. ...
Rate Required. The interest rate for the loan.
Pv Required. The present value, or the total amount that a series of future payments is
worth now; also known as the principal.
Question 4: what are the strengths of line charts and column charts, and discuss how each
chart compares different features of the same data.
Line charts are very simple to visualize and they can depict the data in a very effective way. The
line charts are best to depict the time series data where we can easily identify the trend over the
period of time. Line charts are very simple yet intuitive and hence line charts are used widely
across in domains where time-series data is important. For example stock exchange data, sales
data, trends data, etc.
Column Charts are very useful when we have 2 or more variables that are to be compared with
each other for every mentioned time period. It helps us in analyzing the period for each variable
and hence gives us an indication of how each variable performed during each particular year.
This type of chart is useful when we compare the trend of a particular variable over the years. It

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helps us in understanding the growth or decline of the variable and we can have a rough estimate
of the same through column charts.
Question 5: When you should use a dashboard chart?
Dashboard charts are useful when we are monitoring more than one metric at a time. These kinds
of charts are useful when we are tracking real-life information. This real-life information can be
about anything and depending on the intent, the information in the dashboard chart will change.
The dashboard charts are used for large projects where it is essential to track multiple metrics at
the same time.
Question 6: Critical Thinking: We are becoming an increasingly visual society, and we
respond to the graphic features in a chart more than those in a worksheet. Therefore,
shouldn’t every Excel worksheet you create have an accompanying chart? Why or why
It is not necessary to have a chart on the every excel worksheet we create. One should understand
that not all the metrics are necessary for making a business decision. The most important metrics
will already be defined by the business and only such metrics are of interest. Hence, it makes no
business sense to overpopulate the worksheet by adding graphs on every worksheet. This will
make the document pretty heavy and slow to work on. Also, one can prepare a separate
worksheet with all the necessary graphs for the important metrics instead of making graphs on
every worksheet.
Question 7: List three types of conditional formatting and the steps you would take to apply
them to your worksheet?
There are various ways in which one can apply custom conditional formatting to the data and
there is a high variety. Some of the three types of conditional formatting are as follows,
Data Bars:
This is a conditional formatting that shows data bars to represent a number in the given
Color Scale:
Here a color scale is used to format the data. It is based on the color scale chosen we will
get the formatting of the data.
Icon Sets:
Another way of formatting the data for time series data where we can use several icons to
represent the data and add conditional formatting to the data.
These are the 3 common types of conditional formatting.
Question 8: Briefly describe each of the arguments in an IF function IF

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Question 1: What is the difference between using a relative cell reference, an absolute cell reference, and a mixed cell reference? The difference between using a relative cell reference, an absolute reference and mixed cell reference are: (i) Relative cell reference changes when a formula is copied from one cell to another cell. By default, all the references are relative cell references. (ii) Absolute cell references remains constant no matter where they are copied. Generally used to keep a row or column constant. (iii) Mixed cell reference is either an absolute column & relative row or vice versa. Question 2: What is a circular reference and why would you need to avoid it? A formula in a cell that indirectly or directly refers to its own cell is called a circular reference. It should be avoided because sometimes it gives somewhat unpredictable results and makes excel go crazy. Question 3: What information is required to use a PMT function? The information required to use a PMT function is: • • • • • Nper Required. The total number of payments for the loan. Type Optional. Fv Optional. ... Rate Required. The interest rate for the loan. Pv Required. The present value, or ...
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