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Landscape Overview.edited 1

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Landscape Architecture
University of Oregon
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Landscape Overview
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Landscape overview
Landscape representation requires that the correct practise is followed in sharing ideas.
Efforts to share information that shows how the landscape has led to the strength in the
production of landscapes remain obscure. Many painters and sculptors argue that they don't
understand the future of their work when they begin working in this field. Further, the challenges
associated with landscape architecture involves the fact that building and construction are
completed by specialists with more skills that are beyond landscape architecture. Today's
literature seeks to explain the advancement of techniques that have helped most communities to
have an in-depth understanding of landscape architecture. Due to the architectural skills,
significant cultural differences are now addressed and well managed.
Personal feeling
I feel that the information by Cunha (2019) about the role of the engineers and how they
worked towards the management of the water problem by creating an effective irrigation system
that brought water to the local users. The engineers designed better and more reliable initiatives
that changed the landscape. On the other hand, the report by Corner (1999) offers information
about the distance and indirectness that has been affected by the disparity between landscape and
drawing. The disparity noted between the drawing and landscape of the land, as the author
mentions, seems to be different from the initiatives in improving efficacies in an overall drawing.
In the reading by Cunha (2019), I find myself admiring the initiatives used by engineers to solve
the landscape related issues that the communities were facing.

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Running Head: LANDSCAPE OVERVIEW 1 Landscape Overview Name Institution Affiliation Course Date 2 LANDSCAPE OVERVIEW Landscape overview Summary Landscape representation requires that the correct practise is followed in sharing ideas. Efforts to share information that shows how the landscape has led to the strength in the production of landscapes remain obscure. Many painters and sculptors argue that they don't understand the future of their work when they begin working in this field. Further, the challenges associated with landscape architecture involves the fact that building and construction are completed by specialists with more skills that are beyond landscape architecture. Today's literature seeks to explain the advancement of techniques that have helped most communities to have an in-depth understanding of landscape architecture. Due to the architectural skills, significant cultural differences are now addressed and well managed. Personal feeling I feel that the information by Cunha (2019) about the role of the engineers and how they worked towards the management of the water problem by creating an effective irrigation system that brought water to the local users. The eng ...
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