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Zara Company Case Study

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Technology plays major role in shaping successful businesses. This paper will analyze
the merits of technology in the business enhancement but with major reference to Zara
fashion retail industry.
Case Study of Zara Company
Technology helps companies to enhance competitive advantages through e-commerce
(Blázquez 2014). In order to endure harsh business atmosphere and increase competitive
advantages, Inditex Zara has recently applied technology to advance its business stability in
the fashion industry. The company is one of the largest global fashion industry globally
founded on its principle of stumpy IT investment that helps in provision of maximum profit
ratio and global expansion. Introduction of technology has helped to expand retailing
industries through business globalization where one can purchase a product without being
hindered by distance. Zara has made successful information-intensive business with vibrant
operations for its magnitude customers worldwide with minimal IT dependency.
Human factor and employee management are the major factors in analyzing the
success of technology in a business that needs to expand its operation globally (Blázquez
2014). Swift and successful store management has made it easy to minimize use of
technology for retailing industries in order to access products. Zara has allowed its customers
to make an informed decision on whether to access the products online or directly from its

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7,400 stores globally (Martin n.p). The company has achieved higher sales and profitability
due to its strategic technological alignment which are flexible to the management principles
in terms of product access and sales. The company has empowered its employees to value
customers’ needs and preferences given the principle believe about the importance of
customers’ satisfaction (Martin n.p).
Technological advancement is a crucial factor in industrial growth. As a result, there should
be a balance between technological growth and business strategies with an aim of analyzing a
company’s principles and its business goal sets.

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Student’s Last Name 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject 10/01/2019 TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS SUCCESS Technology plays major role in shaping successful businesses. This paper will analyze the merits of technology in the business enhancement but with major reference to Zara fashion retail industry. Case Study of Zara Company Technology helps companies to enhance competitive advantages through e-commerce (Blázquez 2014). In order to endure harsh business atmosphere and increase competitive advantages, Inditex Zara has recently applied technology to advance its business stability in the fashion industry. The company is one of the largest global fashion industry globally founded on its principle of stumpy IT investment that helps in provision of maximum profit ratio and global expansion. Introduction of technology has helped to expand retailing industries through business globa ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
