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Foreign Exchange Discussion

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Running head: EXCHANGE 1
Foreign Exchange
School Name
Due Date

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Foreign markets are very important to business, since the production of goods and
services are involved. Furthermore, when it comes to foreign markets, they also help U.S.
markets have an easier time getting involved in trade investments as well. Now, while this is
important, it is also essential to analyze these concepts of foreign marketing from videos. By
analyzing the interviews on how the markets functions, it is important to focus on why foreign
markets are important to managers. Moreover, it is also necessary to address and whether
potential vehicle investors for foreign markets would work.
As the videos mention, foreign markets are essential to managers developing
relationships. One of the most essential points discussed, is the fact that these kinds of markets
are global. For this reason, they can collect more efficient good and services than that of a small
market. Now, another benefit that foreign markets have for managers, is that they do not require
the currency at all. What this means, is that they make money from the price of the products.
And thus, they do not have to worry about financial risks based on what they do not have. There
are many other benefits that managers can have with foreign markets as well. However,
something that is important to consider in this kind of market business, should be whether
vehicle investments would be efficient.
Vehicle investments work differently from the way foreign markets are ran. Thus, if
foreign markets were to invest in a vehicle, the results could not only be very different, but they
could make others reconsider how certain policies should be implemented. For example; as
mentioned in one of the videos, you can buy or sale a currency pair. This is defined as a form of
currency in specific market. While the upside is that currency pairs work with the type of
currency that a foreign worker might buy, they may also be familiar to those of a United States
nationality. Therefore, even with the efficiency of foreign of marketing, some concepts that

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Running head: EXCHANGE 1 Foreign Exchange Name School Name Professor Class Due Date EXCHANGE 2 Foreign markets are very important to business, since the production of goods and services are involved. Furthermore, when it comes to foreign markets, they also help U.S. markets have an easier time getting involved in trade investments as well. Now, while this is important, it is also essential to analyze these concepts of foreign marketing from videos. By analyzing the interviews on how the markets functions, it is important to focus on why foreign markets are important to managers. Moreover, it is also necessary to address and whether potential vehicle investors for foreign markets would work. As the videos mention, foreign markets are essential to managers developing relationships. One of the most essential points discussed, is the fact that these kinds of markets are global. For th ...
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