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Performance Management Essay

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Performance Management
Performance management is very important to a workplace, because it helps individuals
to stay on track. Moreover, it also helps people to have a high consistence in quality as well. In
other words, performance management is necessary to the workplace, because it lets employees
know what their tasks are, and it also aids managers is knowing what they should be monitoring.
Now, when it comes to performance management, there are two very important questions to ask;
what the importance of performance management within organization? Also, what is
performance management within human resources management?
An organization consists of a group of people who are tasked with specific goals, but
more importantly, it ties into the fundamental goal of performance management: improving
employee effectiveness. How performance management works, is that it is used to enhance the
quality assets of other employees. What happens, is that both managers and employees
collaborate to ensure that work objectives are being met via performance. This is implemented
through checking over employee’s goals that will be a benefit to the organization. This is how
performance management works.
Now, within an organization, not only is it important for everyone to know what they are
doing, but it is also essential for them to keep track of their own assigned tasks as well. This is
where the role of performance management within organizations comes in. Within an
organization, performance management ensures that every individual is keeping track of what

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they have been assigned to accomplish. For example; let’s say that a specific part of the
organizations, has been tasked with putting together parts of a PowerPoint. While it is the team’s
responsibility to ensure that they know what they are doing, a good workplace would use their
performance management, to ensure that everyone is doing their job accordingly. The reason, is
because if one person suffers, then everyone else suffers as well. Therefore, performance
management is essential within organization. Now, something else that needs to be discussed
about performance management, is how much it applies to human resources management.
Human resources management is mainly focused on the tasks that need to be completed
within a specific section of human resources management. Positions usually fall into several
categories. This includes the following: staff, those who oversee employee benefits and
compensation, and those who design work. Now, one may be wondering how this is relevant to
anything that must do with performance management. Well, when it comes to the management
performance, they not only seek to improve employee quality, but they also aim to establish
strong goals that relate to measuring work quality; collecting data, followed by analyzing it, and
reviewing. Now, some individuals may wonder if human resources management really need to
have performance management. However, the answer to this is yes, because by using the assets
of work quality study, data collecting, analyzing, and reviewing, they could be implemented to
improve each category of human resources management.
In closing, performance management is very important within the workplace, because it
helps individuals to stay on task. Example of this are through keeping people together in
organization, and keeping a sharp eye on the work ethic of individuals in human resources
management. More importantly, though, management is the main asset to focus on, because it is

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Name Professor Class Due Date Performance Management Performance management is very important to a workplace, because it helps individuals to stay on track. Moreover, it also helps people to have a high consistence in quality as well. In other words, performance management is necessary to the workplace, because it lets employees know what their tasks are, and it also aids managers is knowing what they should be monitoring. Now, when it comes to performance management, there are two very important questions to ask; what the importance of performance management within organization? Also, what is performance management within human resources management? An organization consists of a group of people who are tasked with specific goals, but more importantly, it ties into the fundamental goal of performance management: improving employee effectiveness. How performance management works, is that ...
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