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Early Childhood Education Paper

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Authentic Assessment and Evaluation Concept in Early Childhood
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Authentic assessment and evaluation, a concept that came into the limelight in the
education system in the late 1980s, has been essential and useful. According to Muller
(2011), authentic assessment is the analytical skills that students possess and use them to
solve real-world tasks during their learning. Alternatively, evaluation is the interpretation,
review, and conclusions of the skills that students possess by teachers. Authentic assessment
and evaluation have played a significant role in boosting formal education since its
introduction in early childhood education. Regarding this, the paper will outline authentic
assessment and evaluation concept implementation in early childhood education; while
discussing the strengths and limitations of using standardized tests on young children.
Authentic Assessment and Evaluation Concept Implementation in Early Childhood
This concept has been beneficial in nurturing talent and administering the rightful
skills in all open jobs in the market. It has influenced efficiency and professionalism in the
education sector. This concept efficiency comes with better implementation from early
childhood education. There are several ways of authentic assessment and evaluation
implementation that ensures the improvement of student learning. The first step is to outline
the curriculum objectives and outcomes in early childhood development education. It will
ensure that authentic assessment and evaluation is in line with the prospectus objectives. This
process can be done analytically dwelling on the types of authentic assessment chosen. They
include portfolio assessment, oral assessment, and practical assessment. Outlining of the
program objectives ensures that the teacher both orally and practically obliges the learning
process. This guideline also helps the teacher to breakdown the administering and monitoring
of every child during learning hence being effective.

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Running Head: AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION CONCEPT Authentic Assessment and Evaluation Concept in Early Childhood Institutional Affiliation Students Name Date AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION CONCEPT 1 Introduction Authentic assessment and evaluation, a concept that came into the limelight in the education system in the late 1980s, has been essential and useful. According to Muller (2011), authentic assessment is the analytical skills that students possess and use them to solve real-world tasks during their learning. Alternatively, evaluation is the interpretation, review, and conclusions of the skills that students possess by teachers. Authentic assessment and evaluation have played a significant role in boosting formal education since its introduction in early childhood education. Regarding this, the paper will outline authentic assessment and evaluation concept implementation in early childhood education; while discussing the strengths and limitations of using standardized tests on young children. Authentic Assessment and Evaluation Concept Implementation in Early Childhood Education This concept has been beneficial in nurturing talent and administering the rightful skills in all open jobs in the market. It has influenced efficiency and professionalism in the education sector. This concept efficiency comes with better implementation from early childhood education. There are several ways of authentic assessment and evaluation implementation that ensures the i ...
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