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Nursing Theory Questions

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Nursing Practice 1
Nursing Practice
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Nursing Practice 2
Which science-based theories do you think are the most useful to advanced practice
nurses, and why?
Lee (2013) posits that a nursing theory is a set of propositions, definitions, assumptions,
and concepts derived from nursing frameworks or other disciplines that help nurses in predicting,
describing, explaining, and prescribing disease. Nursing pioneers such as Nola Pender, Florence
Nightingale among others developed these theories. Since then, there has been an advancement
of several other theories detailing how to provide better health care. Some of these theories are
particularly important to advanced practice nurses.
Jean Watson's Theory of Caring is used significantly in nursing programs. Under this
theory, empathetic care is viewed as the primary responsibility of the nurse, placing focus on
given ways of developing a heartfelt connection between the nurse and the patient to facilitate
the process of healing. This theory is significant to the practice because caring counters the
negative experiences of the nursing environment, helping the nurses to maintain peace of mind.
Moreover, it is important for patients to feel cared for to improve their health conditions.
The 5 Cs of Caring developed by Sister Simone Roach are also significant to advanced
practice. The Cs include conscience, commitment, confidence, compassion, and competence.
This model is significant in the practice since it details how to interact with patients, as well as
prerequisites for students of advanced nursing.
Madeleine Leininger's Transcultural Nursing model is also vital to advanced nursing
practice. This model views empathetic care as being essential to personal wellness, arguing that
for the provision of caring, it is required that the nurse provide treatment that has congruency to
the patient's cultural values and beliefs.

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Nursing Practice 1 Nursing Practice Name of the Student Institution Course Nursing Practice 2 Which science-based theories do you think are the most useful to advanced practice nurses, and why? Lee (2013) posits that a nursing theory is a set of propositions, definitions, assumptions, and concepts derived from nursing frameworks or other disciplines that help nurses in predicting, describing, explaining, and prescribing disease. Nursing pioneers such as Nola Pender, Florence Nightingale among others developed these theories. Since then, there has been an advancement of several other theories detailing how to provide better health care. Some of these theories are particularly important to advanced practice nurses. Jean Watson's Theory of Caring is used significantly in nursing programs. Under this theory, empathetic care is viewed as the primary responsibility of the nurse, placing focus on given ways of developing a heartfelt connection between the nurse and the patient to facilitate the process of healing. This theory is significant to the practice because caring counters the negative experiences of the nursing environment, helping the nurses to maintain peace of mind. Moreover, it is important for patients to feel cared for to improve their health conditions. The 5 Cs of Caring developed by Sister Simone Roach are also significant to advanced practice. The Cs include conscience, commitment, confidence, compassion, and competence. This model is significant in the pract ...
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