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How Organizational Culture Impacts the Change Process Paper

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Running Head: Organizational Change 1
Organizational Change
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Organizational Change 2
How organizational culture impacts the change process
Organizational culture includes behaviors and values that contribute to the distinct
psychological and social environment of an enterprise. According to Ravasi and Schultz (2006),
it consists of a set of common assumptions that act as guides to behavior. Organizational culture
affects the manner of interaction between groups and people, as well as with stakeholders and
clients. Thus, it affects the contexts in which creation of knowledge occurs. This implies that it
represents the collective beliefs, principles, and values of members of the organization.
Organizational culture, therefore, influences the change process to a big margin. This is
because the culture of an organization is like its main fabric. Organizational change may occur in
various forms, such as changes to the business’ structure, policies, strategy, technology or
procedures, all which are under the enterprise’s culture. Changes may face employee resistance
in active and passive forms. Changes could be made with an attempt to improve the
competitiveness of a business. This resistance by employees could be because of failure to
understand how the changes directly affect them, they could feel like some aspect of the
organization is okay as it is and thus want it to remain as it is, or for consistency purposes.
Fundamentally, the change process requires for very effective personnel management.
Organizational change could be brought about by several reasons, among them being the
need for growth, a change in environment, work demographics, technological changes,
globalization, and changes in market conditions among others. The beliefs, principles, and values
of the members of the organization must be considered for effective changes to the business.
Thus, organizational changes are heavily impacted by the culture of the business.

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Running Head: Organizational Change 1 Organizational Change Name of the Student Institution Course Organizational Change 2 How organizational culture impacts the change process Organizational culture includes behaviors and values that contribute to the distinct psychological and social environment of an enterprise. According to Ravasi and Schultz (2006), it consists of a set of common assumptions that act as guides to behavior. Organizational culture affects the manner of interaction between groups and people, as well as with stakeholders and clients. Thus, it affects the contexts in which creation of knowledge occurs. This implies that it represents the collective beliefs, principles, and values of members of the organization. Organizational culture, therefore, influences the change process to a big margin. This is because the culture of an organization is like its main fabric. Organizational change may occur in various forms, such as changes to the business’ structure, policies, strategy, technology or procedures, all which are under the enterprise’s culture. Changes may face employee resistance in active and passive forms. Changes could be made with an attempt to improve the competitiveness of a business. This resistance by employees could be because of failure to understand how the changes directly affect them, they could feel like some aspect of the organization is okay as it is and thus want it to remain as it is, or for consistency purposes. Fundamentally, th ...
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