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Decision Tools for Marketing Management & Decision Making Paper

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Application of Decision Support Tools
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Application of Decision Support Tools
Decision Support Tools for Marketing Management and Decision Making
Decision support tools such as SWOT and PESTEL analysis can be used in decision
making and marketing management in a brewing company. SWOT analysis can be employed to
determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats at craft beer industry. In the case
of strengths, the craft beer industry has skilled employees and reliable brewing equipment. Also,
its excellent relation with the material suppliers enables them to access the raw material at a
reasonably low price. Concerning the weakness, the industry seems to lack competitiveness in
selling, marketing, and supply as compared to the ancient classic craft beer providers like Russell
house tavern and Cambridge common. The company still requires more time to advance its
distribution and marketing techniques. Luckily, it has an opportunity to grow socially and
economically. To be precise, the new economic situation is favorable for the advancement of the
craft beer industry. According to Karampela et al (2019), the industry generated nearly $ 26
billion in sales in 2018, which adds up to about 23% of the overall beer market. However, the
worst threat to this industry is also an economic threat. Currently, the miracle of brewing is in the
maturity stage, with the competition becoming fiercer and growth rate gradually decreasing. For
example, the number of craft breweries grew from about 69 in 2014 to 127 in 2017 (Karg, 2018).
PESTEL analysis is used to evaluate several aspects of the external environment, such as
political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal. Generally, the political
surrounding of a company determines its success or failure. Thus, a politically mild environment,
such as the lower taxes in Massachusetts are for beer industries to launch the brewpub system
before they penetrate the markets. Economically, the New England regions are always at the top
of the economic dimensions in the United States. For example, America's beer sales decreased

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RUNNING HEAD: APPLICATION OF DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS Application of Decision Support Tools Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 APPLICATION OF DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS 2 Application of Decision Support Tools Decision Support Tools for Marketing Management and Decision Making Decision support tools such as SWOT and PESTEL analysis can be used in decision making and marketing management in a brewing company. SWOT analysis can be employed to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats at craft beer industry. In the case of strengths, the craft beer industry has skilled employees and reliable brewing equipment. Also, its excellent relation with the material suppliers enables them to access the raw material at a reasonably low price. Concerning the weakness, the industry seems to lack competitiveness in selling, marketing, and supply as compared to the ancient classic craft beer providers like Russell house tavern and Cambridge common. The company still requires more time to advance its distribution and marketing techniques. Luckily, it has an opportunity to grow socially and economically. To be precise, the new economic situation is favorable for the advancement of the craft beer industry. According to Karampela et al (2019), the industry generated nearly $ 26 billion in sales in 2018, which adds up to about 23% of the overall beer market. However, the worst threat to this industry is also an economic threat. Currently, the miracle of brewing is in ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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