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Google Managerial Report

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Managerial Report
Student’s Name
` Institutional Affiliation

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Executive summary
Google is one of the best ranked companies in the online advertising business. Thus, this
report focuses on some of the things that make Google thrive in such a competitive industry. For
example, an outline of Google's business model is given to help understand how Google
organizes its products and services. In this case, companies, users, and developers see different
things from Google that benefit them as well as earn the company some revenues. Precisely, the
company earns money through adverts that are posted on platforms such as YouTube, Gmail,
Chrome, and so on. Also, the report highlights how the company faces stiff competition from
Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft, and Verizon. Some of the challenges that the company faces
are also mentioned, such as the issue of market share, bad content, and advertisements. To avoid
such problems, the company can improve its relationship with its customers by making the
platforms more comfortable to use and access and avoid ad popups. Google also incorporates a
platform strategy to allow both content creators and content consumers to enjoy its platforms.
The report also mentions Alphabet, the parent company of Google, which employs
diversification to help it improve its services.

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Running head: MANAGERIAL REPORT Managerial Report Student’s Name ` Institutional Affiliation 1 MANAGERIAL REPORT 2 Executive summary Google is one of the best ranked companies in the online advertising business. Thus, this report focuses on some of the things that make Google thrive in such a competitive industry. For example, an outline of Google's business model is given to help understand how Google organizes its products and services. In this case, companies, users, and developers see different things from Google that benefit them as well as earn the company some revenues. Precisely, the company earns money through adverts that are posted on platforms such as YouTube, Gmail, Chrome, and so on. Also, the report highlights how the company faces stiff competition from Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft, and Verizon. Some of the challenges that the company faces are also mentioned, such as the issue of market share, bad content, and advertisements. To avoid such problems, the company can improve its relationship with its customers by making the platforms more comfortable to use and access and avoid ad popups. Google also incorporates a platform strategy to allow both content creators and content consumers to enjoy its platforms. The report also mentions Alphabet, the parent company of Google, which employs diversification to help it improve its services. MANAGERIAL REPORT 3 Contents Executive summary..................................................................... ...
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Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.
