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Correctional Populations 1

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Political Science
American InterContinental University
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Correctional Populations
Institutional Affiliation

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Correctional populations include people who have been incarcerated in jails or prisons,
those who are supervised within communities, or those in parole or probation (Glaze & Parks,
2011). The purpose of placing such individuals in varying correctional facilities is to deter them
from committing other crimes, to reform the offenders through rehabilitation, restore
relationships, or to incapacitate them to prevent committing crimes in the future. The department
of corrections (DOC) has individuals from all walks of lives that have been arrested for petty
theft, violence and white-collar crimes, among other offenses. In this paper, I will focus on
mentally ill offenders. These individuals are vulnerable because of their mental disposition. They
require special attention by the stakeholders of the criminal justice system and involved agencies
to ensure that they rehabilitated successfully before being reintegrated into the society. The type
of charges and kind of person involved is crucial for the classification process of inmates.
When an inmate re-enters the prison system or jail, the DOC has several elements that are
taken into consideration to determine the inmate’s classification. The elements would include the
violence severity of the offense, if there was a history of violence, pending charges, the escape
profile, discipline history, detainers and security risk group membership. The correctional facility
often has a manual record that gives information about how one can rate each element above.
After the rating of each component, the inmate will also get an overall rating. Meanwhile, the
DOC determines what factors can promote agitation and how to mitigate the circumstances. It is
essential to classify the inmates correctly for several reasons. One, it ensures the safety of
offenders, especially where violent charges are involved. It also assists in understanding the
psychological, physical and other needs of the inmates while separating those who are violent
from the ones who are not. The classification also helps the inmates to function decently during
their time in jail by providing suitable programs according to the needs. Each category of

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Running head: CORRECTIONAL POPULATIONS Correctional Populations Name Institutional Affiliation CORRECTIONAL POPULATIONS 2 Correctional populations include people who have been incarcerated in jails or prisons, those who are supervised within communities, or those in parole or probation (Glaze & Parks, 2011). The purpose of placing such individuals in varying correctional facilities is to deter them from committing other crimes, to reform the offenders through rehabilitation, restore relationships, or to incapacitate them to prevent committing crimes in the future. The department of corrections (DOC) has individuals from all walks of lives that have been arrested for petty theft, violence and white-collar crimes, among other offenses. In this paper, I will focus on mentally ill offenders. These individuals are vulnerable because of their mental disposition. They require special attention by the stakeholders of the criminal justice system and involved agencies to ensure that they rehabilitated successfully before being reintegrated into the society. The type of charges and kind of person involved is crucial for the classification process of inmates. When an inmate re-enters the prison system or jail, the DOC has several elements that are taken into consideration to determine the inmate’s classification. The elements would include the violence severity of the offense, if there was a history of violence, pending charges, the escape profile, discipline history, detainers an ...
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