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Microeconomics Exercises Part A

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PART 1 A MICROECONOMICS 193 QUESTIONS A. More than 1 year but less than 5 years. B. Five or more years. [1] Source: CMA 1285 115 In the short run, a purely competitive firm operating at a loss will A. Shut down. B. Continue to operate as long as price exceeds average variable costs. C. Raise the price of its product. D. Reduce the size of its plant to lower fixed costs. [2] Source: CMA 1285 116 In an analysis of economic costs of Production, long run means C. A period of time long enough to turn over top management. D. A period of time long enough for the firm to make all resource costs variable in nature. [3] Source: CMA 1285 117 The marginal utility of a good refers to A. The point at which the consumer's total utility is maximized. B. The point at which the consumer's total utility is minimized. C. The change in the amount of the good consumed that increases total utility by one unit. D. The change in total utility when consumption of the good increases by one unit. [4] Source: CMA 1286 1-4 Economies and diseconomies of scale are important determinants of the A. Type of product demand faced by individual firms. B. Market demand curve. C. Pattern of costs in the long run. D. Law of diminishing returns. [5] Source: CMA 1286 1-7 If a rent control law in a competitive housing market establishes a maximum or ceiling rent that is above the market or equilibrium rent, A. The law has no effect on the rental market. B. A surplus of rental housing units will result. C. Supp ...
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