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BHSC 295 USC Principles of Career Development Practice Exam

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university of the southern caribbean
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University of the Southern Caribbean
1. What are the four categories of career development theories?
The four categories of career development theories are Trait Factor Theories, Psychological
Theories, Decision Theories and Developmental Theories.
2. What are three tenets of the Guidance and Counselling Programme?
One of the tenets is that the teacher is the critical cause of change in a student due to being
the main cause of positive learning in a child. A second tenet is that education is a vital and
evolving process and not a static one. A third tenet is that all students should have access to
the National Guidance Programme on an equal basis regardless of race, creed, sex or
handicapping issues.
3. What are four assumptions about students?
One assumption about students is that they have a natural ability to learn. The second
assumption is that all students have worth and dignity. The third assumption is that every
child has career developmental needs and the fourth assumption is that all students have the
right to education which allows them to achieve their personal goals and obligations to
4. List three components of the National Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling
The three components of the National Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling Programme
is Career Development, Personal and Social Development and Academic Development.

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5. Explain Super’s Developmental Theory of Self-Concept
Super’s Developmental Theory of Self-Concept is built on the premise that once an
individual’s self-concept becomes more realistic and stable, so will their vocational
behaviours and choices. This theory defines how a career develops through an individual’s
maturation of self-concept over their life span. To depict this, Super introduced five stages of
an individual’s self-concept development.
The first stage is the Growth stage in which the individual starts to develop their self-concept
while moving from a play orientation to a work orientation. The growth period is further
defined by three substages. The first substage is Fantasy, in which children (4-10 years) have
career fantasies. In the second substage known as Interest, the children (11-12) root out their
likes and dislikes. In the last substage known as Capacity, the children (13-14) are able to
relate their skills to a specific job requirement.
The second stage is Exploration. Exploration is focused on ensuring that the individuals
develop a realistic self-concept while implementing a vocational preference through role
trying and exploration and spans the ages of 15-21. This stage has two substages. The first
substage known as Tentative looks at how individuals assess their skill, abilities and interest
through activities like volunteer work. The second substage known as the Crystallization of
Preference looks at how individuals move from having a general preference into a specific
choice, in this stage they may have their first job.
Super then went on to say that individuals go through a third stage which is called the
Establishment stage. This stage is where individuals secure a niche for themselves in their
field and advance in it. The first substage of the stage is Trial and Stabilization and is where
individuals settle down into their jobs. The next substage is advancement in which
individuals progress within their job and acquire seniority and skills.

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University of the Southern Caribbean BHSC295 PRINCIPLES OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT FINAL QUIZ 1. What are the four categories of career development theories? The four categories of career development theories are Trait Factor Theories, Psychological Theories, Decision Theories and Developmental Theories. 2. What are three tenets of the Guidance and Counselling Programme? One of the tenets is that the teacher is the critical cause of change in a student due to being the main cause of positive learning in a child. A second tenet is that education is a vital and evolving process and not a static one. A third tenet is that all students should have access to the National Guidance Programme on an equal basis regardless of race, creed, sex or handicapping issues. 3. What are four assumptions about students? One assumption about students is that they have a natural ability to learn. The second assump ...
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