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A Meta Analysis by Thomas Baskin and Robert Enright Article Review

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Article review

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The article titled Intervention Studies on Forgiveness: A Meta-Analysis by Thomas Baskin
and Robert Enright is significant. It talks about the importance of forgiveness in the field of
counseling. For this conclusion to be made, nine studies that were published were examined trough
meta-analysis, and three distinct theories about forgiveness came up. The theories fell under
processed process-based groups, decision-based interventions, and processed based individuals.
The authors also discussed the three theories and shared the data through the Meta-Analysis. The
authors also give enough cases from the past that show how forgiveness interventions proved to
be beneficial to a person's mental and emotional health. This analysis's primary purpose was to
justify that forgiveness was an essential intervention in counseling and the well-being of a person.
As the authors discuss the various findings of the analysis, they provide several considerations,
such as the duration given for the studies and the skill of the counselors.
Personal reflection
Before I had read the article, I never considered that forgiveness would be an essential tool
to be used in counseling. Initially, I believed that forgiveness was like a patch when there was
some patch when there was a disagreement between two parties. However, according to the authors
of the article, forgiveness is a "willful giving up of resentment in the face of another's (or others')
considerable injustice and responding with beneficence to the offender even though that offender
has no right to the forgiver's moral goodness" (Baskin & Enright, 2004, p. 79).
The main reason why I had not given forgiveness much thought was that I did not fully understand
what it entailed.
As I was going through the article, I realized that in one study, a woman was diagnosed
with acute

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Running head: ARTICLE REVIEW 1 Article review Name Institution Date ARTICLE REVIEW 2 Summary The article titled Intervention Studies on Forgiveness: A Meta-Analysis by Thomas Baskin and Robert Enright is significant. It talks about the importance of forgiveness in the field of counseling. For this conclusion to be made, nine studies that were published were examined trough meta-analysis, and three distinct theories about forgiveness came up. The theories fell under processed process-based groups, decision-based interventions, and processed based individuals. The authors also discussed the three theories and shared the data through the Meta-Analysis. The authors also give enough cases from the past that show how forgiveness interventions proved to be beneficial to a person's mental and emotional health. This analysis's primary purpose was to justify that forgiveness was an essential intervention in counseling and the well-being of a person. As the authors discuss the various findings of the analysis, they provide several considerations, such as the duration given for the studies and the skill of the counselors. Personal reflection Before I had read the article, I never considered that forgiveness would be an essential tool to be used in counseling. Initially, I believed that forgiveness was like a patch when there was some patch when there was a disagreement between two parties. However, according to the authors of the article, forgiveness is a "willful giving up of rese ...
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