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Psychopharmacology Sales Discussion

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Drugs have been in use for a very long time now (Maisto et al., 2018). In the United States,
the efforts to regulate pharmaceutical sales began in around 1860, and penalties for mislabeling
drugs were introduced. The effects of the drugs also had to be written on the drug before it was
sold. In 1880, the US and China agreed that there was not going to be any shipment of drugs
between the two countries. In 1906, the Pure Food Drug Act required certain drugs like alcohol,
heroin, cocaine, cannabis, and morphine to be labeled accurately with the correct ingredients and
dosage. This meant that they could be sold without a prescription as long as they were labeled.
This saw the distributions of many drugs into the market, which broadly led to addiction among
the users.
In 1913, the sale and use of cannabis were outlawed in California (PUBLISHING., 2018).
The first known and recorded instance of the ban on domestic distribution of drugs was in 1914.
This was after the enactment of the Harrison Narcotic Act. The drugs affected by this act were
opiates and coca (PUBLISHING., 2018). The drugs' ban then continued to 1919 when alcohol was
first banned in the USA and was approved by 38 out of the 48 states in the US back then.
In 1937 the Marijuana Tax Act was passed. The act was presented as 1 dollar nuisance tax
on marijuana distribution. This act also needed all the people who participated in the sale of
Marijuana to keep records of all their sales (Maisto et al., 2018). In 1970, congress enacted The
Controlled Substances Act into law, meaning that most drugs' manufacture and distribution needed
to be controlled. In 1972, the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse recommended
the legalization of small bits of Marijuana (Maisto et al., 2018). The recommendation was,
however, ignored.

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PSYCOPHARMACOLOGY 1 Psychopharmacology Name Institution Date PSYCOPHARMACOLOGY 2 Psychopharmacology Drugs have been in use for a very long time now (Maisto et al., 2018). In the United States, the efforts to regulate pharmaceutical sales began in around 1860, and penalties for mislabeling drugs were introduced. The effects of the drugs also had to be written on the drug before it was sold. In 1880, the US and China agreed that there was not going to be any shipment of drugs between the two countries. In 1906, the Pure Food Drug Act required certain drugs like alcohol, heroin, cocaine, cannabis, and morphine to be labeled accurately with the correct ingredients and dosage. This meant that they could be sold without a prescription as long as they were labeled. This saw the distributions of many drugs into the market, which broadly led to addiction among the users. In 1913, the sale and use of cannabis were outlawed in California (PUBLISHING., 2018). The first known and recorded instance of the ban on domestic distribution of drugs was in 1914. This was after the enactment of the Harrison Narcotic Act. The drugs affected by this act were opiates and coca (PUBLISHING., 2018). The ...
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