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Accounting Profession and Corporate Culture Paper

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Accounting Profession and Corporate Culture 2
Accounting Profession and Corporate Culture
All professionals have an ethical responsibility to gain the necessary knowledge in their
field of specialization before offering their services to the people. The profession requires that
professionals keep acquiring new knowledge through the continuation of professional learning.
Best professionals dedicate their time and energy to serve and protect their clients and companies
to the best of their abilities to win over their trust. Professionals maintain and observe the various
available ethical responsibilities by ensuring they monitor themselves and following the
available organizational ethical codes of conduct. The primary source of the accountant's code of
practice is the Code of Professional Conduct of the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountant (AICPA). These codes help to govern accountants in the private and public sectors.
Most academic practitioners that have studies organizational culture in the last few decades have
described organizational culture as the climate and the actual practices that an organization
develops around the handling of things and people (O'Donnell & Boyle, 2008). Every
organizational manager aims to create a positive and healthy organizational culture that will help
the organization to retain its employees, attract talented and self-driven employees ready to
work, help the organization build on its social image as a result of the production of high-quality
products and services and provision of proper customer services to the company clients.
Principles of Accounting Ethics.
One of the ethical accounting code is independence. The rule requires that the accountant
remain objective and refrain from any form of concern and must avoid all kinds of relationships
with the clients as doing so will interfere with their judgment and impair the audit work (Sepasi,
2019). Failure by the accountants to remain objective in their work will lead to accountants
providing inaccurate financial information and giving dishonest opinions about the organization's

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Running Head: ACCOUNTING PROFFESIONALS AND CORPORATE CULURE Title Name Institutional Affiliation Course Title Date 1 Accounting Profession and Corporate Culture 2 Accounting Profession and Corporate Culture All professionals have an ethical responsibility to gain the necessary knowledge in their field of specialization before offering their services to the people. The profession requires that professionals keep acquiring new knowledge through the continuation of professional learning. Best professionals dedicate their time and energy to serve and protect their clients and companies to the best of their abilities to win over their trust. Professionals maintain and observe the various available ethical responsibilities by ensuring they monitor themselves and following the available organizational ethical codes of conduct. The primary source of the accountant's code of practice is the Code of Professional Conduct of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant (AICPA). These codes help to govern accountants in the private and public sectors. Most academic practitioners that have studies organizational culture in the last few decades have described organizational culture as the climate and the actual practices that an organization develops around the handling of things and people (O'Donnell & Boyle, 2008). Every organizational manager aims to create a positive and healthy organizational culture that will help the organization to retain its employees, attract talent ...
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