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Chinese Migration to America Memorandum

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Political Science
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To: Government Representative
From: Surname
Date: 25/4/2020
Via: Email:
Re: Chinese Migration to America
The Chinese government should adopt an education system that will help student gain more
creative thinking skills and innovation skills that will help them create and innovate new
technologies and new businesses. As its stands China practices an exam-oriented system of
education where learners are subjected to lots of class work and reading books rather than taking
this time to learn about technical works that will help then gain technical skills necessary to solve
issues in the society. If you compare the systems of education between China and America you
can help but note the difference in the quality of education offered in America and in China. The
reason as why learners move to America to pursue further studies is because the education in
America is of greater quality compared to that offered in China. Learners also dream of
competing at global level in terms of business with other people from all over the world and to
do so they need to have access to the best education-currently offered in America.
The government should provide better and favorable trading environment that will encourage
local population to start businesses on home soil instead of going to start these businesses in
America as by so doing the government loses a lot of revenue. The government should ensure
that it provide better and improved economic environment that will allow local population to

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Memorandum To: Government Representative From: Surname Date: 25/4/2020 Via: Email: Re: Chinese Migration to America The Chinese government should adopt an education system that will help student gain more creative thinking skills and innovation skills that will help them create and innovate new technologies and new businesses. As its stands China practices an exam-oriented system of education where learners are subjected to lots of class work and reading books rather than taking this time to learn about technical works that will help then gain technical skills necessary to solve issues in the ...
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