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Transgender People in China Paper

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Transgender People in China
In every part of the world, the transgender population is always being discriminated in
one way or another. In China, transgender has suffered discrimination and harassment for years
since 1997 (Wang e al., 440). Society is biased towards the transgender and more often view
them as not acting morally upright. The community holds certain beliefs and practices
concerning the sexual behaviour of people. People found behaving differently from social
expectations is socially discriminated. Transgender experience discrimination in places of work,
schools, hospitals, and even at home by family members. These discriminations have adverse
effects on the lives of these individuals in that they are unable to express themselves freely and
how they feel in society. In China, transgender undergoes discrimination, prejudice, and is
subjected to fear in society.
Discrimination of transgender in China. Discrimination occurs everywhere in society;
however, in places of work, schools, and other social places, these cases are rampant. This
discrimination takes the form of limited opportunities to the transgender population, violence,
profound respect, and their dignity negatively tarnished for being transgender.

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At workplaces in China, transgender stands a limited or no chance of getting promotions
or moving up the ladder into higher positions of work in an organization as compared to their
counterparts even if they deserve a promotion. "In my working conditions, apart from some
women federation department, men had the priority for promotion." (Jun 346). This is not the
case only in China; it affects the entire world in general. Organizations are not ready to support
the transgender population as they seek to climb up the ladder in the community and in these
institutions. They are viewed as unworthy of higher positions in the leadership of the
organizations and thus are rarely promoted despite qualifying for promotion.
At schools, students discriminate against transgender students. "It is concerning a
transgender person accessing the restroom or the rocker room as it has been the issue in other
schools." (Wall 3A). This is a clear indication of how the community sees the transgender
population in schools. Student's interaction with the school premises is limited due to their sexual
habits. This discrimination makes them feel like they do not have any rights or like they are not
needed in these schools.
Dignity and respect are barely served to the transgender population in the society. Society
in China has a negative attitude towards transgender people and, more often than not, humiliate
them in public places. Transgender cannot freely express their feelings out on the streets like the
rest of the population, as this behaviour is seen as going against the beliefs in society and is
unacceptable to the people. Respect is never given to these people, even in their families. In most
cases, these families find it hard to cope with the idea of their children acting differently from
what society expects of them. As a result, they are disowned by their families and the community
at large.

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Surname 1 Student's Name Professor's Name Course Date Transgender People in China In every part of the world, the transgender population is always being discriminated in one way or another. In China, transgender has suffered discrimination and harassment for years since 1997 (Wang e al., 440). Society is biased towards the transgender and more often view them as not acting morally upright. The community holds certain beliefs and practices concerning the sexual behaviour of people. People found behaving differently from social expectations is socially discriminated. Transgender experience discrimination in places of work, schools, hospitals, and even at home by family members. These discriminations have adverse effects on the lives of these individuals in that they are unable to express themselves freely and how they feel in society. In China, transgender undergoes discrimination, prejudice, and is subjected to fear in society. Discrimination of transgender in China. Discrimination occurs everywhere in society; however, in places of work, schools, and other social places, these cases are rampant. This discrimination takes the form of limited opportunities to the transgender population, violence, profound respect, and their dignity negatively tarnished for being transgender. Surname 2 At workplaces in China, transgender stands a limited or no chance of getting promotions or moving up the ladder into higher positions of work in an organization as compared to their counterpar ...
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