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Apple iPhone Is Superior to Android Smartphones Essay

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Apple iPhone is superior to android smartphones
Technological improvements in the smartphone industry are growing so fast over recent
years. The competition in the manufacturing of smartphones is an advantage to customers
because it gives them a chance to have access to affordable and high-quality products. If
someone wants to choose between Android and Apple iPhone, it becomes a complicated task to
decide. The Apple iPhone is superior to Android phones due to its great features. There exist so
many features that can help one select the right smartphone to buy. In this essay, we are going to
describe essential features for Apple iPhone that make it superior to android smartphones.
One of the benefits that one will enjoy from the Apple iPhone is the super hardware
features. One of the critical elements that will convince a buyer to purchase an iPhone
smartphone is its hardware. Apple Inc manufactures iPhone smartphones. The company gives it
an absolute authority to control both software and hardware. On the other hand, Google is the
company that has provided android software to companies such as Motorola, LG, HTC, and
Samsung (Ian,2011). Some of the features of the android phones make it have weaker features
when compared to Apple iPhone. The manufacturers of Android phones face the challenge in the
designing games because they have the mentality that Apple will always design higher levels of
games when they make their smartphones. Thus, Apple's iPhone has always been a leader when
it comes to hardware and software design (Katie,2012).

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The use of the Apple iPhone smartphone is always a pleasure because it gives the latest
and highest-level features that an operating system offers. Android phones cannot match this
product due to their reluctance to update their phones. Some android phone s never updates their
smartphones. Apple's operating system is compatible with many other products, notwithstanding
their ages. The continuous operating system updating facilitates this. Apple iPhone smartphone
is better than other android products because of their more significant video game features,
which has become one of the greatest players in the market (Katie, 2012).
Another feature that attracts customers more to use Apple iPhone is battery life. Android
makes use of several software's, which makes their battery life differ across their products. The
battery life inconsistency in androids makes people look for Apple iPhone products and discard
the use of android products. The newest Apple iPhone models have been made to enable them to
stay for many days before recharging (Katie, 2012). The iTunes Store on iPhone gives the
product offer high-quality audio and video player, high-quality phone calls, high quality of video
camera, and outstanding camera are making the product more accessible. The processing speed
of the iPhone is so high when compared to the android smartphone. This is one of the usual
features that users look for when purchasing smartphones. Many people look for phones that
have faster speed and multiple can-do programs without failure.
In conclusion, I recommend people to use Apple iPhone due to the wide range of super
features we have discussed above. When compared to android phones, this phone is much
essential due to its high speed, uniqueness, operating systems, battery usage, phone calls, and
video & photo camera systems.

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Surname 1 Student Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date Apple iPhone is superior to android smartphones Technological improvements in the smartphone industry are growing so fast over recent years. The competition in the manufacturing of smartphones is an advantage to customers because it gives them a chance to have access to affordable and high-quality products. If someone wants to choose between Android and Apple iPhone, it becomes a complicated task to decide. The Apple iPhone is superior to Android phones due to its great features. There exist so many features that can help one select the right smartphone to buy. In this essay, we are going to describe essential features for Apple iPhone that make it superior to android smartphones. One of the benefits that one will enjoy from the Apple iPhone is the super hardware features. One of the critical elements that will convince a buyer ...
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