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How Authors Beliefs Have Directly Impacted on American Beliefs Paper

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How Author’s Beliefs Have Directly Impacted on Contemporary American Beliefs.
The American culture is in most cases referred to as the “boiling pot” due to the many
values and beliefs drawn from the many ethnic groups living on the American soil. As a
consequence, the contemporary American beliefs are shaped by different factors. One of the
main ways in which the contemporary American beliefs are impacted is through scholarly
The first author whose beliefs impacted contemporary American beliefs is Thomas Bryan
Underwood in ‘Cherokee Legends and the Trail of Tears’. While reflecting on American
invasion of the Americas, Black hawk (Native American soldier) is presented as a strong leader
who stood against the forceful eviction of his small tribe. How could we like a people who
treated us so unjustly?” (Bryan, pg58). The author’s belief on the ‘eye for an eye’ treatment is
what caused much bloodshed in the black hawk war (Bryan, pg87). This is a belief upheld in
contemporary American beliefs where unity and individualism are advocated for when
championing common goals.
The contemporary American beliefs uphold humane treatment of wrong doers and a
special treatment to the female gender. Bryan influences the society to embrace humane ways
and friendliness when punishing wrongdoers. “At one time a White man beat one of our women
cruelly, for pulling a few suckers of corn out of his field to suck when she was hungry,” (Bryan,

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pg60) Considering the kind of offense committed, there could have been a better way to settle
the case instead of beating the accused.
In a speech delivered by Captain Graham to the evicted villagers and, the author
emphasizes on the strength of unity and tyranny of numbers. “...we are a great people, numerous
as the flowers of the field…we all act together,” (Bryan, pg87). The American success is
founded in unity and numbers same way as the White man’s army against the Native Americans
(Bryan, pg 78).
John Winthrop, in ‘A Model of Christian Charity’ presented ideas that impacted
contemporary American beliefs. “… that every man might have need of others, and from hence
they might be all knit more nearly together in the bonds of brotherly affection,” (Winthrop,
pg15) is a phrase he used to articulate the issue of bearing each others’ burdens. The American
beliefs have a strong inclination towards this idea of participating in charities.
The contemporary American beliefs are more lenient concerning lending. “Observe
whether your brother has a means of paying back and if they don’t, give them according to his
needs. However, if any has a means of repaying, consider it an act of commerce not mercy,”
(Winthrop, pg17). This is one of the main concepts broadly adopted in the modern American
society in lending services. It is through this concept where interest rates are set fairly and grants
are given freely to the needy.
Conclusively, different authors have continued to present ideas and beliefs that are later
adopted and incorporated in the American beliefs. This has been shaping the values, beliefs and
the American culture in general.

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Surname 1 Student Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date How Author’s Beliefs Have Directly Impacted on Contemporary American Beliefs. The American culture is in most cases referred to as the “boiling pot” due to the many values and beliefs drawn from the many ethnic groups living on the American soil. As a consequence, the contemporary American beliefs are shaped by different factors. One of the main ways in which the contemporary American beliefs are impacted is through scholarly materials. The first author whose beliefs impacted contemporary American beliefs is Thomas Bryan Underwood in ‘Cherokee Legends and the Trail of Tears’. While reflecting on American invasion of the Americas, Black hawk (Native American soldier) is presented as a strong leader who stood against the forceful eviction of his small tribe. “How could we like a people who treated us so unjustly?” (B ...
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