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Does Age Influence Depth of Processing Effects on Recall Paper

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Does age influence depth of processing effects on recall?
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The main aim of this study was to determine whether the age influences the depth of
processing effects on recall. The study used modified data from a study reported by Howell
(2013). The study involved 50 students from the college who either served as course requirement
fulfillment or modest pay return. These students had ages ranging between 18 to 30 years. And
they formed a category of age group which was referred to as the young adults. The older adult
category was formed by subjects who teachers working at schools within London. These
teachers were aged between 55 and 65 years. Mann Whitney-U test was the main statistical
method used because the data was not normally distributed and the research wanted to find out
whether recall was high on young adults than in older adults. The study found that young adults
had higher average scores than older adults. It can be concluded that younger adults have
significantly higher recall scores than older adults (U=876.500, p=0.01).
Several studies have indicated that elderly adults are relatively poorer in recalling than
young individuals. Peele (2016) carried out a research to test differences in processing effect in
recalling between older and younger adults. The author included 30 younger adults who were
aged between 18 to 28 years and 30 elderly adults with ages between 65 and 79 years. All these
participants had good hearing senses. The two group of participants listened to stories which
were given as normal speech Following the stories the participants were required to repeat what
they recall about the stories. The recalling was measured using modified idea unit scoring
method. Older adults were reported to have a significant worse memory than young adults.
There was no significance difference in hearing between older and young adults. The study
concluded that age affected the processing effect on recalling of people.

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Running head: AGE ON RECALL LAB REPORT Does age influence depth of processing effects on recall? Student’s Name: Institution of Affiliation: Professor’s Name: Date: 1 AGE ON RECALL LAB REPORT 2 ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to determine whether the age influences the depth of processing effects on recall. The study used modified data from a study reported by Howell (2013). The study involved 50 students from the college who either served as course requirement fulfillment or modest pay return. These students had ages ranging between 18 to 30 years. And they formed a category of age group which was referred to as the young adults. The older adult category was formed by subjects who teachers working at schools within London. These teachers were aged between 55 and 65 years. Mann Whitney-U test was the main statistical method used because the data was not normally distributed and the research wanted to find out whether recall was high on young adults than in older adults. The study found that young adults had higher average scores than older adults. It can be concluded that younger adults have significantly higher recall scores than older adults (U=876.500, p=0.01). INTRODUCTION Several studies have indicated that elderly adults are relatively poorer in recalling than young individuals. Peele (2016) carried out a research to test differences in processing effect in recalling between older and younger adults. The author included 30 younger adults who were aged ...
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