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Human Resources Management and Outsourcing Paper

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Human Resource Management And Outsourcing 1
by (Name)

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Human Resource Management And Outsourcing 2
Human Resource Management refers to official systems that are invented to manage
staffs within a company. The responsibilities of Human resource manager are categorized into
three areas; employee benefits and compensation, designing or defining work, and staffing. The
goal of human resource management is to optimize organization’s production by maximizing the
employee’s effectiveness (Johnason,2009,19). Outsourcing of human resources meaning use of
third-party individuals or organizations to perform part or all functions and tasks of the firm’s
human resources. This paper discusses functions of human resources, outsourcing pros and cons,
as well as the outsourcing human functions advantages and disadvantages.
Human resource functions
Human resource functions refer to roles performed by the Human resource department.
The roles of human resource managers are divided into three categories; employee benefits and
compensation, designing or defining work, and staffing. The following paragraphs discusses the
core functions of HR in an organization.
The first function is selection and recruitment of staffs. Recruitment refers to the
procedure of screening, captivating and choosing the best possible qualified candidates founded
on the goal criteria of the given position. The main goal of performing this process is to appeal
competent applicate and motivate unqualified candidates not to be discouraged from applying for
the jobs. Prior the start of the recruitment process, the hiring organizations are supposed to
implement suitable plans for staffing and they are also required to grade the staffs they need to
hire. Forecasting number of employees should be based on the annual budget of the firm as well
as long-term and short-term goals of the company. The process of selection and recruitment is a

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Human Resource Management And Outsourcing 1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND OUTSOURCING by (Name) Course: Tutor: University: Date: Human Resource Management And Outsourcing 2 Introduction Human Resource Management refers to official systems that are invented to manage staffs within a company. The responsibilities of Human resource manager are categorized into three areas; employee benefits and compensation, designing or defining work, and staffing. The goal of human resource management is to optimize organization’s production by maximizing the employee’s effectiveness (Johnason,2009,19). Outsourcing of human resources meaning use of third-party individuals or organizations to perform part or all functions and tasks of the firm’s human resources. This paper discusses functions of human resources, outsourcing pros and cons, as well as the outsourcing human functions advantages and disadvantages. Human resource functions Human resource functions refer to roles performed by the Human resource department. The roles of human resource managers are divided into three categories; employee benefits and compensation, designing or defining work, and staffing. The following paragraphs discusses the core functions of HR in an organization. The first function is selection and recruitment of staffs. Recruitment refers to the procedure of screening, captivating and choosing the best possible qualified candidates founded on the goal criteria of the given position. The main goal of per ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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