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PHI 445 Goodyear Gender Discrimination Case Study

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Case Analysis: Case Studies: Goodyear 1
Roosevelt Addie
Case Analysis: Case Studies: Goodyear
PHI445: Personal & Organizational Ethics (BJO2034A)
Michael McGowan
September 6, 2020

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Case Analysis: Case Studies: Goodyear 2
Gender discrimination is the practices based on male and female where the rights of men,
women, boys, and girls are denied. Only men have been taking the lead in leadership denying the
women who would have greater ideas to contribute to the development process. This on the other
hand has led to the unequal distribution of resources leading to poor economic outcome.
Economy has been derailed due to the early marriages to young girls who have been denied
schooling. Away from the women empowerment, men have been left out in the process of
empowerment due to the stereotype that men are generally the heads of the society. Some laws
that protects gender discrimination are like the like the sex discrimination act, the Equity Act
2010, and the federal laws (Hardy, With Good Reason, 2014).
There has been the continuation of gender discrimination despite the existence of the
laws where it has led to more de-motivation in place of work, in the society and in the world at
large where it has affected how people interact with one another in the economic and social
The moral problem presented in the case of Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber. was
that their employee Lilly Ledbetter was discriminated against based on her gender. The case of
Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. was brought to the United States Supreme Court in
2006, wage and gender discrimination is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and with this ultimately makes it “unlawful employment practice” to discriminate “against any
individual with respect to his compensation …because of such individual’s … sex. 42 U. S. C.
§2000e2(a)(1). (Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 2006)” These laws are designed to
keep companies and businesses from taking advantage of hard-working individuals. Taking a
closer look at the laws and the ways that a company like Goodyear can help to avoid these issues

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Case Analysis: Case Studies: Goodyear 1 Roosevelt Addie Case Analysis: Case Studies: Goodyear PHI445: Personal & Organizational Ethics (BJO2034A) Michael McGowan September 6, 2020 Case Analysis: Case Studies: Goodyear 2 Introduction Gender discrimination is the practices based on male and female where the rights of men, women, boys, and girls are denied. Only men have been taking the lead in leadership denying the women who would have greater ideas to contribute to the development process. This on the other hand has led to the unequal distribution of resources leading to poor economic outcome. Economy has been derailed due to the early marriages to young girls who have been denied schooling. Away from the women empowerment, men have been left out in the process of empowerment due to the stereotype that men are generally the heads of the society. Some laws that protects gender discrimination are like the like the sex discrimination act, the Equity Act 2010, and the federal laws (Hardy, With Good Reason, 2014). There has been the continuation of gender discrimination despite the existence of the laws where it has led to more de-motivation in place of work, in the society and in the world at large where it has affected how people interact with one another in the economic and social arena. The moral problem presented in the case of Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber. was that their employee Lilly Ledbetter was discriminated against based on her gender. The case of Ledbette ...
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