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Management and Leadership Skills Paper

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Research Paper
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Since I graduated from high school approximately seven years ago, I have been largely involved
in my studies at the University. I have also done menial jobs to sustain my stay on campus and to
meet my basic needs. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science, and I am remaining with three
semesters to complete my Master's degree. I am hoping to hold leadership and management
positions in the future, and hence there is a need to carry out self-evaluation. This will help me to
get a better understanding of my behaviours and characters and the impact that they have on the
organization and co-workers. The article also analyzes my ability to work in a team and the
strengths and weaknesses which impact communication with colleagues and the seniors within
the workplace
. This article also evaluates and discusses my organizational skills. This includes
my leadership skills, management skills, and my ability to initiate and manage change within an
organizational setting
. This is critical for my future career because change is inevitable, and it is
critical for the progress and growth of any organization. Interpersonal skills also play a very
crucial role in the management of organizations because management involves dealing with
people who have feelings and emotions, and hence it is essential to maximizing their
performance to meet the organizational objectives
1. Reizer, Abira, Yael Brender-Ilan, and Zachary Sheaffer. "Employee motivation, emotions, and
performance: a longitudinal diary study." Journal of Managerial Psychology (2019).
2. Li, Zhidong, Bindu Gupta, Mark Loon, and Gian Casimir. "Combinative aspects of
leadership style and emotional intelligence." Leadership & Organization Development
Journal (2016).

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MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP SKILLS Name of student: Registration number: Unit title: Unit code: Name of professor: Introduction Since I graduated from high school approximately seven years ago, I have been largely involved in my studies at the University. I have also done menial jobs to sustain my stay on campus and to meet my basic needs. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science, and I am remaining with three semesters to complete my Master's degree. I am hoping to hold leadership and management positions in the future, and hence there is a need to carry out self-evaluation. This will help me to get a better understanding of my behaviours and characters and the impact that they have on the organization and co-workers. The article also analyzes my ability to work in a team and the strengths and weaknesses which impact communication with colleagues and the seniors within the workplace1. This article also evaluates and discusses my organizational skills. This includes my leadership skills, management skills, and my ability to initiate and manage change within an organizational setting2. This is critical for my future career because change is inevitable, and it is critical for the progress and growth of any organization. Interpersonal skills also play a very crucial role in the management of organizations because management involves dealing with people who have feelings and emotions, and hence it is essential to maximizing their performance to meet the organizational objectives3. ...
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