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Ch 6 California Real Estate Questions

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Real Estate
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1. List and DEFINE the 3 major methods used to legally describe and locate land.
a. Lot, block, and tract system.
i. This system divides a large parcel of land into smaller parcels and is called
subdividing the land.
b. Metes and bounds system
i. This system is used when the property in question is not covered by the
subdivision map. Metes refers to measurement of length and bounds refers
to the use of boundaries both natural and man-made. This system is one of
the oldest in land description.
c. U.S Government Survey, commonly called the U.S Section and township system.
i. This survey establishes monuments as points of beginnings in land
description. The monuments are then intersected by two imaginary lines.
One from east to west, called a base line. Another running north to south,
called meridian line.
2. Under what Baseline and Meridian is San Diego County located? What is a section?
How many acres are there in a section? How many sections are there in a township?
a. San Diego county falls under the San Bernardino base and meridian line. Sections
are the division of a township into 36 different sections. Each section is one mile
square. There are 640 acres in a section and there are 36 sections in a township.
3. Name and DEFINE the 5 legal methods of acquiring title to property.
a. By Will
i. A will is a legal instrument by which a person over the age of 18 and of
sound mind disposes of property upon his or her death. There are 3 types
of wills that are recognized by California law. A witnessed will, a
holographic will and a statutory will.
b. By Succession
i. When a person, upon their death, leaves no will, the law provides for the
disposition of his or her property. The state then dictates who will get the
property under the law of interstate succession. Succession is essentially
handing down the property to another person.
c. By Accession
i. A person may acquire the title to a property that is added to your existing
real estate by a process called Accession. This includes Accretion,
avulsion, addition of fixtures and improvements made in error.
d. By Occupancy
i. There are two ways to acquiring property through occupancy, one is by
abandonment, and the other is through adverse possession. When a party
holds a leasehold on a property and abandons the property, the landlord is
able to require the property to be able to lease it to someone else. Adverse

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1. List and DEFINE the 3 major methods used to legally describe and locate land. a. Lot, block, and tract system. i. This system divides a large parcel of land into smaller parcels and is called subdividing the land. b. Metes and bounds system i. This system is used when the property in question is not covered by the subdivision map. Metes refers to measurement of length and bounds refers to the use of boundaries both natural and man-made. This system is one of the oldest in land description. c. U.S Government Survey, commonly called the U.S Section and township system. i. This survey establis ...
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